

Unlimited mod简介



注意,此 mod 需要双方一起使用且版本相同

安装与使用 Unlimited Mod

1、 NextSokuLauncher.exe 放到和 th123.exe 同目录,
2、 NextSoku文件夹 放到th123/modules文件夹内,
3、 接着把 NextSoku.dll 这个 mod 启用,并把 SOKU2 禁用,否则会有问题


4、 开启mod后保存配置,不要直接启动游戏,打开NextSokuLauncher.exe在页面选择最下面那项 Unlimited ,右上方可选择机签,右下方 Options 的三个框全都不要勾选!

注意,要打开 NextSokuLauncher.exe 来启动游戏才能玩 UnlimitedMod
注意,要打开 NextSokuLauncher.exe 来启动游戏才能玩 UnlimitedMod

5、 启动成功的话,游戏标题栏会多一个[Unlimited 3.6.5] (开了giuroll的话会一闪而过)
6、 要切换回正常游戏只需要把 NextSoku.dll 这个 mod 禁用并用平常的方式启动游戏就OK


NextSokuLauncher.exe 打不开的话,先检查 DX 修复和 C++ 组件修复

Unlimited mod详细修改说明(版本 3.65)


  • 取消 Limit 出圈限制
  • 取消 Smash / Lift / 必杀取消 / SC取消 等伤害修正,虽然伤害面板上依然会显示,但是实际上没有进行伤害修正
  • 所有招数都会有额外 18% 的伤害增益
  • 所有招数都会有额外 10F 的追击时间
  • 给角色增加了待机动画效果
  • 取消链系统调整
    • 有连点系近A的角色 可以在 第二下AA 之后用 2A 取消,即 连点AA -> 2A
      (像 妖梦、灵梦、文 这种即为连点系近A角色;UU、高达、天子 这种不行;例外:小町 第一下近A 后可以用 2A 取消
    • 没有连点系近A的角色 可以在 2A 之后用 近A 取消,即 2A -> 近A
      (像 妖梦、灵梦、文 这种不行;UU、高达、天子 这种即为非连点系近A角色;例外:小町不可用 近A 取消 2A
      (注:妖梦既可以AA -> 1A也可以AA -> F2A,取决于按2A时的距离)
    • 近A连打的最后一下可以换成 3A 或 6A
    • 近A连打的任何一下都可以被 B系弹幕 以上取消

已知的 Bug

  • 龙星可能造成不同步(?
  • 某些招数攻击是固定会出圈的(不影响游戏)
  • 以及某些角色相关的bug,详情查看具体角色页
    • 妖梦折服无间升级后帧数数据恢复为原版了


==== 普通技 ====

  • 6D:最终的持续速度 8 -> 9(萃梦想水平)
  • AAA:前进变快,不容易断连了
  • AAAA:追击时间无限,新招数动作
  • DA:全体:36F -> 34F(收招硬直 -2)
  • DC:追击时间增加 40 -> 60
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
  • J6A:追击时间无限,伤害 -50
  • J2A:不打康也会弹地
  • J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • 5B:移动取消: 29 -> 25; 发生: 15 -> 14 (与 2B, 6B 相同)
  • 6B:移动取消: 28 -> 25 (与 2B 相同)
  • 2B:弹幕可以全版移动 (与绯想天相同)
  • C弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,命中hitstop增加 5 -> 10

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236 博丽护符:追击时间增加 30 -> 35,命中hitstop 5 -> 10,B版会在离灵梦更近的地方生成弹幕,C版则会在更远的地方生成弹幕
  • 236改 妖怪破坏者:伤害增加 90 -> 120;命中后弹墙会旋转
  • 原623 升天脚:B版追击时间无限,1级就有体术无敌,移除了打康的能力(依然可以被别人康);C版追击时间无限
  • 623改 抄地升天脚:2hit:未挥空时,可以随意移动取消或出招取消(不能直接2hit后拉防);3hit:追击时间无限
  • 623改 祈雨之仪:追击时间无限,挥空不可取消,伤害 300 -> 400,Rate修正 95% -> 96%,后坐力调整(版中更好用了)
  • 原214 警醒阵:追击时间增加 40 -> 45;可以反射对手的弹幕不会被擦掉消失了(原文这么写的但是实际还是会被擦掉消失)
  • 214改 紧缚阵:追击时间增加 40 -> 45,发生 -10
  • 214改 常置阵:追击时间增加 40 -> 45;地面攻击后不会将对手击飞
  • 原421 亚空穴:B版不打康也可以弹地,C版收招硬直减少,不会击飞对手,命中可接后续(B版正防-5,C版正防-4,命中+14)
  • 421改 刹那亚空穴:命中会击飞对手,追击时间无限,位移后可被康窗口-10,硬直+14(落地前动不了,不能防不能出招不能Dash,着地了也有15F硬直);B版空中地面启动体术无敌
  • 421改 封魔亚空穴:B版启动瞬间即可当身体术,C版启动瞬间即可当身弹幕

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 一卡 珠符「明珠暗投」:追击时间无限
  • 二卡 灵符「梦想妙珠」:追击时间无限
  • 二卡 宝符「阴阳宝玉」:追击时间无限
  • 二卡 梦符「封魔阵」:启动没无敌了,可以大跳取消 (依然烂到爆)
  • 三卡 结界「扩散结界」:追击时间无限,削灵 0.15 -> 0.25,伤害 500 -> 400,命中击飞向量调整
  • 五卡 神灵「梦想封印」:不管远近的大小弹都是800伤害了
  • 五卡 「梦想天生」:罗曼取消,超级加帧,7下激活后伤害降低(打满约 3500)但是削灵依然恐怖 (注意:rate打的太低会导致对手有机会受身)


==== 普通技 ====

  • 飞翔/空中冲刺:新的贴图动画
  • 远A:伤害都为450(修复两段判定伤害不一致的bug)
  • AAA:前进变快,不容易断连了
  • 6A:即使在空中,接触即可必杀技取消
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
  • J6A、HJ6A、HJ2A:追击时间无限
  • J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • J2A:发生加快 16 -> 13(等于J6A的发生速度)
  • DA:现在是下择了,打蹲防
  • DB:可被必杀技取消
  • DC:不打康也会弹地
  • B系弹幕:命中hitstop 5 -> 12,伤害 -50
  • 6C:修正rate 98% -> 96.5%

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236:各种星星都为rate 96%
  • 236改 绿光:激光线也带攻击判定了
  • 236改 激光:移动取消加快,追击时间无限
  • 原623升龙:延长无敌时间,不会再互康了;追击时间无限
  • 623改 旋转扫把:体术判定,追击时间无限,着地前全程硬直,接触后可 SC 取消
  • 623改 防空炮:判定增大
  • 原214:追击时间无限
  • 214改 星炮:追击时间无限,击飞向量调整
  • 22改 魔废再利用炸弹:不会炸到魔理沙自己了

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 一卡 星符「Meteoric Shower」:可以跳跃取消了
  • 二卡 魔符「Stardust Reverie」 钻头:不会把对手击飞到背后了
  • 二卡 光符「Luminous Strike」:追击时间无限
  • 二卡 仪符「Orrery's Sun」:罗曼取消
  • 三卡 星符「Escape Velocity」 大升龙:追击时间无限
  • 三卡 星符「Gravity Beat」:伤害 3000 -> 1800
  • 五卡 彗星「Blazing Star」:将对手向前击飞而不是向上


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAAA:追击时间无限
  • 2A:发生 -2
  • 3A:击飞得更高
  • 6A:发生 -2(F5A命中不康也可以直接接上6A了)
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
  • J6A:追击时间无限,伤害 -50
  • J2A:伤害 -100
  • J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • DB:追击时间无限,可必杀取消
  • DC:击飞角度调整,减少向前的量
  • B弹幕:伤害 -10,Rate 95% -> 97%,追击时间增加 25 -> 35
  • C弹幕:追击时间增加 45 -> 60

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236:追击时间无限
  • 236改 离剑之见:丢出时静止的刀也有攻击判定,伤害增加 150 -> 200,追击时间增加 40 -> 45,削灵增加 0.125 -> 0.15
  • 236改 绿刀:取消后刀不消失
  • 原623:追击时间无限,空中版伤害 +100,攻击和着地硬直时可用 SC 取消
  • 623改 星舞剑:B版 回灵冷却时间缩短 120 -> 60;C版 可以大跳取消了,身上的刀被打不消失,飞出的刀 blockstop 增加
  • 623改 刀圈:攻击判定加快,攻击/移动取消加快 B版33 -> 29 C版38 -> 33,削灵 0.1 -> 0.15,增加 blockstop: 0 -> 5,收招硬直 -12
  • 22改 当身:启动瞬间即可当身,收招硬直 +10,空中版不可取消
  • 22改 分身:B版 发生 -6,收招硬直 -9,追击时间增加为 120,击飞角度调整更易于连段;C版 追击时间无限

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 三卡 四卡 伤魂:追击时间无限
  • 四卡 幻葬:发生 -10,每Hit伤害调整为 140


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAA:第一Hit攻击判定增大,A连打不会断连了
  • AAAA:新动作,追击时间无限
  • 3A:新动作
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
  • JAA:命中地面对手也会弹地了
  • J6A:追击时间无限
  • B弹幕:Hitstop 增加 5 -> 10
  • C弹幕:伤害 120 -> 100,Rate 97% -> 98%

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236:追击时间无限
  • 236改 爪子:B版第3Hit 追击时间无限;C版第3Hit Hitstop增加,击飞高度增加,便于后续连段
  • 236改 魔术手:击飞弹墙旋转,便于后续连段
  • 原623:追击时间无限
  • 623改 吸血:发生加快 B版 33 -> 9,C版 38 -> 25;命中后续有利帧增加
  • 623改 火箭炮:弹幕判定增大(可攻击地面对手),Hitstop增加 3 -> 25,Rate 93% -> 95%
  • 214改 锁链:追击时间增加
  • 214改 叉子:追击时间无限
  • 原22:追击时间无限
  • 22改 轰炸机:追击时间无限
  • 22改 手里剑:发生加快 28 -> 20,跳跃取消加快 44 -> 22,Hitstop增加

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡 小夜王:发生加快为 10F(可4A接),追击时间无限,Rate 增加
  • 二卡 小神枪:追击时间无限
  • 三卡 小不夜:追击时间无限
  • 四卡 大爪子:发生速度加快 81 -> 42,收招硬直 -30,击飞角度调整为弹地便于后续连段,追击时间无限,伤害 4250 -> 3500,调整为可防御
  • 四卡 大神枪:追击时间无限
  • 四卡 千年吸血鬼:罗曼取消,有利帧巨大


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAA:提前向前位移,A连打不容易断连了
  • 蓄力AAAA:伤害 1250 -> 1500,硬直 -12(正防 +3)
  • 6A:追击时间无限
  • 蓄力6A:追击时间无限,不可空防
  • 2A:发生 -1
  • 3A、JA、J2A:出招时扩展的受击判定绿框减少
  • JA:追击时间增加 30 -> 35
  • J6A:发生加快 15 -> 13,追击时间无限,攻击后降落得更快,消除着地硬直
  • J2A:发生加快 21 -> 17,追击时间增加 50 -> 60
  • J8A:持续帧减少 65 -> 56,追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • 2B:发生加快 16 -> 13
  • B系:即使跳取消或出招取消,B人偶也不会消失;弹幕伤害 100 -> 90
  • JB、J6B:后摇硬直增加
  • C系:一局结束时若是爱丽丝自己胜利,场上设置的人偶不会消失
  • 4C:移动取消加快 34 -> 28
  • J2C:移动取消加快 28 -> 20
  • 新增动作 J4C:移动取消 28F

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236:追击时间增加 50 -> 70
  • 236改 伏兵:移动取消加快 43 -> 34
  • 原623:人偶碰到对手时就会爆炸而不是着地后才爆炸;B版启动时体术无敌
  • 623改 大江户:场上可同时存在多个人偶
  • 原214:增加 Blockstop 0 -> 10
  • 214改 千枪:追击时间无限,收招硬直 -6
  • 214改 弓兵:追击时间无限,小爱不被击飞时不消失,移动取消加快 B版37 -> 29,C版 45 -> 37
  • 原22:追击时间无限
  • 22改 折射:所有等级的弹幕擦弹耐性都调整为[3, 5, 7, 9] -> 10
  • 22改 SP:追击时间无限

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 一卡 小炸弹:追击时间无限,发生加快 55 -> 45,伤害 2250 -> 1750
  • 二卡 战符:削灵 0.75 -> 1
  • 二卡 注力:追击时间无限,发生加快 地面版 22 -> 16,空中版 24 -> 18
  • 二卡 上海人偶:追击时间无限,可跳跃取消
  • 三卡 文乐:磨血伤害增加,爆炸伤害 500 -> 1500
  • 四卡 荷兰人偶:发生 -14,收招硬直 -19
  • 四卡 蓬莱人偶:追击时间无限,削灵 0.66 -> 1.33
  • 四卡 大千枪:Rate 98% -> 98.5%
  • 四卡 战符:发生加快 37 -> 24,Rate 95% -> 97%
  • 五卡 旅鼠:伤害减少


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAA:追击时间无限,防御削1灵,命中音效修改
  • 6A:发生加快 2F,和 3A 一样快,击飞角度修改,可以弹地
  • JA:追击时间 25 -> 30,Rate: 94% -> 95%
  • J6A:追击时间无限,Rate: 87% -> 94%,击飞角度修改:对手被击飞的距离减少
  • J2A:发生加快 20 -> 13,可以弹地
  • J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • 5C:伤害 -50,追击时间增加 30 -> 45
  • 2C:追击时间增加 45 -> 60,击飞角度修改:对手会被击飞得更高
  • 6C:追击时间增加 25 -> 45
  • DC:附加擦弹属性

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236火球:追击时间无限
  • 236改火雾:Hitstop增加 10 -> 15,命中地面对手不会击飞了
  • 236改火刀:可以自己取消自己,伤害增加 400 -> 500,命中地面对手不会击飞了
  • 623改空气炮:发生加快 25 -> 18,命中对手后会垂直击飞,Rate 80% -> 95%,伤害 1200 -> 800
  • 623改雷升:追击时间无限,1级就有体术无敌
  • 原214:发生加快 9F,削灵增加 0.2 - > 0.3
  • 214改齿轮:追击时间无限
  • 214改悬剑:发生加快 23 -> 18,收招硬直减少 32 -> 8
  • 421改绿石:追击时间无限
  • 22改大水泡:移动取消 35 -> 27(和原22一样快),出招取消 35 -> 19(和空中版一样快)
  • 22改小水泡:对手被小水泡命中时不能行动,小水泡会造成 50 伤害且追击时间无限,集满 10 个小水泡后的大泡泡会造成 1000 伤害,移动取消 35 -> 27(和原22一样快),出招取消 35 -> 19(和空中版一样快)

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡齿轮凹:追击时间无限,伤害 130 -> 150,Rate 98.5% -> 99%
  • 三卡火金:伤害增加 2800 -> 3250,追击时间增加,将对手击飞得更高,收招硬直减少 10F
  • 三卡火水柱:发生加快 24 -> 16
  • 三卡日木圣光:全体 102 -> 78(减少收招硬直,和三卡酸雨一样快)
  • 四卡绿石:收招硬直减少 10F
  • 五卡日月环:追击时间无限
  • 五卡贤者之石:追击时间无限


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAAAA:对手被击飞的横向距离缩短,离妖梦越近
  • 3A:新动作,类似2B向前上方对空体术
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,伤害 -100
  • J6A:追击时间无限,伤害 -100
  • J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • J2A:判定框横向加大,不打康也会弹地,可被必杀技级取消,修正增大 85% -> 78.5%
  • DAA:发生 -6(打中可以直接接上DA DAA,打防DA DAA无缝),可被必杀技级取消
  • B系弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,命中hitstop 10 -> 15,伤害 200 -> 150
  • C系弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,命中hitstop 10 -> 15,空中命中对手时会让对手翻滚而不是强制站立(增大受击面积)
  • 6C和J6C:追击时间无限,伤害 -100

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236 下届反射斩:升1级后反射盾会带攻击判定,伤害600,削1灵
  • 236改 结跏趺斩:发生加快,移动取消加快,可以在空中使用(射程较短),2级后判定加大,4级后2hit攻击判定
  • 原623 弦月斩:B版和C版第2hit 追击时间无限
  • 623改 折服无间:
    • 1级:启动 13 -> 9(可以连上1A/4A) 修正 63.2%
    • 2级:启动 13(Bug,本来应该也是调到9的) 修正 68.2%
    • 3级:启动 13(Bug,本来应该也是调到9的) 修正 73.2%
    • 4级:启动 13(Bug,本来应该也是调到9的) 修正 80.7%
    • 长按后续飞膝击飞向量调整更易于后续连段,追击时间无限,飞膝修正rate 95% (基本稳定接板边空连,至少3k+)
  • 623改 炯眼剑:启动瞬间即可当身体术,收招硬直 +8
  • 原214 生死流转斩:第3hit 不打康也会弹地(可接DA,623C,远A,远2A等)
  • 214改 头上花剪斩:不打康也会弹地可在空中使用
  • 214改 心抄斩:发生加快 25 -> 17 (绯想天水平)
  • 原22 凭依之缚:追击时间无限
  • 22改 灵妙半身:命中地面对手不会击飞了

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡 魂符「幽明之苦轮」:后摇硬直 -6(相当于妖梦的有利帧 +6)
  • 三卡 断命剑「冥想斩」:追击时间无限
  • 三卡 剑技「樱花闪々」:击飞向量调整,不会原地抬升而吃不到后续hit,伤害 1000 -> 700
  • 四卡 断迷剑「迷津慈航斩」:伤害 1200 -> 1000
  • 四卡 断灵剑「成佛得脱斩」:追击时间无限
  • 五卡 空观剑「六根清净斩」:启动完全无敌
  • 五卡 魂魄「幽明求问持聪明之法」:罗曼取消,超级加帧


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAA:不会击飞地面的对手
  • AAAA:修改击飞角度:对手击飞的距离减少
  • 3A:不会击飞地面的对手
  • H3A:会击飞对手,二段(2 HIT)攻击
  • H6A:攻击判定有效时附带擦弹属性
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
  • J6A:追击时间无限
  • B系弹幕:Rate 93% -> 95%
  • C系弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 45

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236火箭:伤害减少
  • 236改散弹:发生加快 4F,伤害增加 100,追击时间增加 40 -> 60,Rate 85% -> 95%,追击时间无限,命中姿势修改更利于连段
  • 236改子母弹:移动取消加快 6F,不击飞对手,Rate 93% -> 99%
  • 623改电光眼:B版启动无敌,不能SC取消;C版启动擦弹
  • 原214激光:追击时间无限
  • 214改扫描:扫描激光也带攻击判定
  • 214改花环:追击时间无限
  • 原22分身:发生加快 5F,Rate 93% -> 95%,B版分身射击同时即可行动,C版可跳取消或SC取消
  • 22改分身斩:追击时间无限

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 一卡花环:追击时间无限,伤害 600 -> 800,Rate 90% -> 93%,地面版收招硬直减少 18F,空中版发生加快 8F
  • 一卡碎卡:追击时间无限
  • 三卡碎卡:追击时间无限
  • 三卡紫电光眼分身:启动无敌,追击时间无限
  • 三卡国士无双:喝完4瓶后爆炸伤害 4500 -> 20000,全屏爆炸范围
  • 三卡近眼火花:发生加快
  • 五卡幻胧月睨:追击时间无限


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAA:追击时间无限,伤害减少500
  • 4A,F5A,DA:收招时的绿框扩展减少
  • 6A:可弹地
  • J6A,J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • J2A:追击时间无限,伤害减少50
  • C系弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,Rate 93% -> 96%,修改击飞向量避免无限连

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236激光:追击时间无限
  • 236凤纹蝶之枪:弹墙幅度增大,追击时间增加 20F,跳取消加快 12F
  • 236改死还大地:伤害增加 50,追击时间增加 40 -> 50,Rate 93% -> 96%,修改击飞向量更利于连段,B版发生加快 23 -> 13,C版发生加快 33 -> 23
  • 原623蝴蝶梦之舞:追击时间无限
  • 623改逆屏:攻击判定增大,攻击判定生效时可反射弹幕
  • 623改扇子:Rate 85% -> 94%,将对手击飞得更高,B版追击时间增加 40 -> 60;C版追击时间无限
  • 421改诱灵的甘蜜:伤害增加 300 -> 350,生成的幽灵弹幕加大
  • 421改空中投:伤害增加 300,小幽灵弹幕:磨灵增加,Hitstop 增加 5 -> 10

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡小凹蝶:追击时间无限
  • 二卡小无寿:追击时间无限
  • 四卡大无寿:伤害增加 3500 -> 4000,Rate 85% -> 40%
  • 五卡大扇子:发生加快 10F


==== 其他 ====

  • 地面6D冲刺的速度:8 -> 9 (和萃梦想一样快)
  • 版边44穿版:启动时无敌

==== 普通技 ====

  • AAA:Hitsotp 增加 10 -> 15(有利于AAA B的连段)
  • AAAA:动作修改,追击时间无限
  • 3A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
  • J6A:追击时间无限,收招硬直减少 8F,前移加快
  • J2A:攻击判定增大,只有挥空落地才有落地硬直
  • J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • B系弹幕:伤害减少为 75,追击时间增加为 30F
  • 2B:出招取消喝跳取消加快 31 -> 26,弹幕速度加快
  • DB:发生加快 14 -> 13,伤害减少 50,可弹地
  • C系弹幕:伤害减少为 275,追击时间增加为 45F,Rate 为 95%

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236墓碑:发动-5,命中弹地,伤害-500,B版生成得更靠近紫,期间按住4可以更近
  • 236改诱饵:上位取消 37-> 22; 移动取消 37 -> 32,总体帧数 ground: 67 -> 59; air: 75 -> 67,削灵 0.5 -> 1,并不会把人击飞; hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 0 -> 15
  • 236改青山:弹墙幅度更大
  • 623改知能:B版发动-5,防御blockstop 0 -> 10; C版发动-15
  • 623改万伞:蓄力未脱手时可命中,发射出去后的弹幕:追击时间 45 -> 60
  • 214改宇宙:hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 10 -> 15; 命中后把对手朝上击飞, 追击时间无限
  • 原421:B版弹墙幅度更大,C版命中弹地
  • 421改魔眼:削灵: 0.5 -> ,追击时间 40 -> 60, Rate 92% -> 98%; 只能同时存在一个C版魔眼于场上
  • 421改分解机:紫出现时带擦弹, B版底下移动速度: 6 -> 8; C版降落时可取消; 每级的出地延迟: [20, 16, 12, 5] -> [16, 13, 10, 5]

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 一卡二次元与三次元的境界:发动-14,Rate 100%,削灵 0.5 -> 0.25,追击时间无限
  • 一卡橙:往斜下扔而不是往斜上扔,Rate 80% -> 90%, 削灵 0.25,追击时间无限
  • 二卡诱饵:不会把人击飞,hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 0 -> 15
  • 三卡蓝:Rate 92% -> 99%,追击时间无限
  • 三卡客观结界:追击时间无限
  • 三卡飞光虫:追击时间大幅增加
  • 四卡魔眼:追击时间无限,Rate 99%
  • 三卡四重结界:弹墙幅度更大,可接后续
  • 五卡列车:击飞改变,可稳接4HIT,伤害-500


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAA:跨步更早,不容易断连了,且可以弹幕取消
  • AAAA:追击时间无限
  • F5A:发生 17 -> 15; 持续 4 -> 6, 收招时的扩展受击判定减少
  • HF5A:收招时的扩展受击判定减少
  • 新招数 H2A:弹幕攻击,可被擦,必杀技取消,防御削1灵
  • 3A:发生 19 -> 17
  • 6A:发生 18 -> 17
  • JA:追击时间 25 -> 30; 伤害 -100
  • J2A:攻击判定和角度调整为更适合版中连段
  • J6A:追击时间无限,伤害-200
  • J8A:追击时间 45 -> 60
  • DA:两段全是中段,每次错防削1灵
  • DB:招数替换成了萃梦想里的 D3A,中段,发生 18 -> 17
  • 6B:追击时间 30 -> 45; 伤害 -200
  • 2B:改成下段,普通命中也会弹地,追击时间 60 -> 45,Rate 85% -> 75%
  • H2B:持续帧 2 -> 4,弹地高度增加
  • 6C和J6C:碰到版边会反弹回来(和萃梦想一样)

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236瓜拳:追击时间无限,B版0级时出手后拥有7F霸体;C版启动时拥有霸体直到出手
  • 236改元鬼:追击时间无限
  • 214改厌雾:发生 27 -> 8, 一旦萃香现身就可以取消
  • 236改屁股蹲:命中就会弹地,下降时也带攻击判定,中段
  • 原623头槌:追击时间无限
  • 623改捶地:取消体术判定,但是可以移动取消
  • 22改黑洞投:启动带霸体,B版发生为 15F,C版发生 -10F

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 一卡雾:硬直 -20,blockstop 3 -> 10
  • 二卡石头:追击时间无限
  • 二卡大鬼凹:追击时间无限
  • 二卡锁链:持续 3 -> 15,Rate 100%
  • 三卡三拳:追击时间无限
  • 四卡大鬼:
    • 前走:第一帧就有攻击判定
    • 站立时后摇的角:追击时间无限
    • 跳跃:追击时间无限,速度和普通跳跃一样快
    • 降落着地时:和普通落地一样快
    • A:追击时间无限,弹墙幅度更大
    • B:命中时弹地
    • C:硬直减少
    • JA:追击时间无限,弹墙幅度更大
    • JB:命中时弹地
    • JC:追击时间无限
  • 四卡锁链:伤害 0 -> 1500,持续 3 -> 15,Rate 100%
  • 五卡大江山:伤害 6.2k -> 4.5k,发生 12 -> 3 (SC暗转前就会命中所以无法反应)


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAAA:新动作,追击时间无限
  • 3A:击飞向量改变,可以接后续
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
  • J6A:追击时间无限
  • J2A:必杀技取消,攻击判定增大,命中时弹地,发生 = 13,落地硬直 = 14,伤害 -100,Rate 90% -> 79%,追击时间 60 -> 45
  • J8A:追击时间 45 -> 60
  • C系列弹幕:追击时间 45 -> 60
  • 6C:追击时间 40 -> 50, Rate 85% -> 90%

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原214疾走风靡:追击时间无限,C版命中对手时可随意取消
  • 214改疾走优美:追击时间无限
  • 214改倒树:不再发射弹幕只能移动,移动后即可用其他招数取消
  • 236改烈风扇:攻击判定扩大,将对手横向击飞且可弹墙,伤害+100
  • 236改枫扇风:攻击判定更靠近文,命中硬直更大,Rate 93% -> 98%
  • 421改镰风:不取消的话就不会消失
  • 421改天狗砾:B版发生-11,移动取消-8;C版和空中的B/C版:发生-10;削灵 0.1 -> 0.25; blockstop 2 -> 8; hitstop 5 -> 10, Rate = 100%, 追击时间 = 40
  • 22改太鼓:
    • 第一HIT:追击时间无限
    • A后续:追击时间无限
    • B后续:不弹地
    • C后续:追击时间无限
  • 22改Down Burst:攻击判定扩大

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡天狗报:罗曼取消
  • 二卡天狗道的开风:弹墙幅度更大
  • 三卡Macro Burst:修正减少
  • 四卡禁制:石头修正减少,追击时间增加,hitstop 增加


==== 其他 ====

  • 修改了受击时的判定,就不会被UU地面2B 2C无限连

==== 普通技 ====

  • 4A和近A:变成中段
  • AAA:招数新动作
  • AAAA:hitstop 增加
  • F5A:追击时间无限,发生 15 -> 13; 全体 57 -> 47,扩展受击判定减少
  • 3A:Rate 80% -> 85%, 追击时间 45 -> 50
  • H3A:追击时间无限
  • JA:追击时间 25 -> 30,全体 46 -> 40
  • J6A:追击时间无限,挥空也没有落地硬直,移除贴身攻击盲点(和绯想天一样),全体 69 -> 57
  • J2A:小町前方的扩展受击判定移除
  • DC:追击时间无限
  • 2B:发生 21 -> 17,移动取消 28 -> 24(和绯想天一样)
  • C 弹幕:场上可同时存在多个C弹幕,追击时间 45 -> 60
  • JC:落地时一定会等到弹幕释放
  • 2C:追击时间无限
  • 6C J6C J2C:追击时间 45 -> 60,弹幕相杀 C3 -> B1

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236:发生-2,击飞地面上的对手
  • 236改逆灵:追击时间无限
  • 236改大镰:地面B/C版和空中B版的追击时间无限
  • 原623:弹幕生成时就带攻击判定
  • 623改死风:可反射弹幕,追击时间无限
  • 623改船:小町跳下船时可随意行动
  • 原22换位:B版启动时体术无敌,收招硬直-20,不可SC取消;C版启动时擦弹,收招硬直-20
  • 22改超渡:蓄力时带霸体,收招硬直-5
  • 22改无间:命中击飞方向修正为向下,B版发生 17F,C版发生 31F,蓄力C版生成在对手脚下
  • 214改离魂:每个灵的回血量 15 -> 45,不会把对手击飞得很高;每个灵爆炸时削灵 0.125 -> 0.5, 伤害 300 -> 600, Rate 94% -> 96%;B版发生 24 -> 20, 移动取消 52 -> 32; C版发生 36 -> 32,移动取消 64 -> 44;

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 一卡灵:追击时间无限,可移动取消
  • 一卡船:命中后弹墙可接后续,硬直减少,修正减少
  • 三卡无间:第一HIT体术会弹地,后续柱子会打倒地
  • 三卡八重雾:发生-30
  • 四卡区别死者之镰:命中后弹地,伤害 4000 -> 3500
  • 四卡生魂流离之镰:启动无敌,伤害减少
  • 五卡半命:第一HIT就造成 1000 伤害,后续再扣半命


==== 普通技 ====

  • AA:上段变中段
  • AAA:中段变下段
  • AAAA:追击时间无限,改成特射属性,防御削1灵,hitstop 5 -> 10
  • 6A:追击时间无限
  • JA:追击时间 25 -> 30
  • J6A:追击时间无限
  • DB:可用必杀技取消
  • 6C弹幕:伤害 300 -> 250,追击时间 45 -> 50,Rate 92% -> 96.5%

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236硬钻:追击时间无限
  • 236改龙鱼得水:可用任意招数取消
  • 原623羽衣若水:追击时间无限,B版防御效果从启动直到出现攻击判定但不可SC取消
  • 原214静电诱导弹:追击时间无限
  • 623改羽衣若风:反射盾也带攻击判定;B版向上发射,伤害 600,削 0.5 灵;C版向前发射,伤害 800,削 1 灵
  • 原22龙鱼愤怒:发生 -4,磨血稍微减少,追击时间无限,顶端判定会把人往下击飞

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 一卡羽衣若时:追击时间无限,启动后的硬直时间内可拉防,击飞向量修改得以接后续,地面攻击伤害 500 -> 700,空中攻击伤害 200 -> 300
  • 三卡钻头:追击时间无限
  • 三卡静电龙宫:追击时间无限
  • 四卡五爪鱼:追击时间无限
  • 五卡游泳弹:追击时间无限,不会把对手击飞得太高


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAA:追击时间无限
  • F5A:命中空中对手会弹地而不是击倒,追击时间 45 -> 30
  • 3A和H3A:追击时间无限
  • H6A:持续时间帧内霸体,持续帧+5,全体不变,伤害+100,命中音效修复
  • JA:追击时间 25 -> 30,全体-3
  • J6A:追击时间无限,持续帧 13 -> 15,全体-3
  • J2A:命中后弹地,发生 20 -> 14,落地硬直 29 -> 23,Rate 85% -> 80%
  • J8A:追击时间 45 -> 60
  • DB:不会把人击飞了
  • B系列小石头:伤害 150 -> 125
  • C系列弹幕:追击时间 45 -> 60

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 236改剑气:第一下挥舞是体术
  • 236改天地之压:追击时间无限,削 1 灵,改为了体术(?存疑,可能还是特射,我没试);B版最快释放速度 12 -> 6,C版最快释放速度 18 -> 12
  • 623改升天突:追击时间无限,体术无敌时间覆盖持续帧,B版伤害 1000 -> 1200,C版伤害 1000 -> 1250,空中使用后可在硬直结束后移动
  • 214改回旋镖:回到手里后没有硬直,hitstop 增加,改变对手被命中的动作,每 HIT 伤害 200 -> 250,削灵 0.125 -> 0.25
  • 22改守护的要石:生成时围绕在天子周围的石头有攻击判定,发生+50,灵力停止时间 120 -> 60,C版发射出去的石头擦弹耐性无限
  • 22改地精的起床:发生加快,丢出去时的伤害增加且弹地,地震不会把人击飞

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡石头:追击时间无限
  • 二卡封印:命中后可取消
  • 三卡乱砍:招数动作改变
  • 三卡绯想天促:追击时间无限
  • 四卡天启:无天气时使用,伤害 800 -> 1000, 削灵 1.25 -> 2.5,击飞向量和有天气时一样;有天气时使用,伤害 800 -> 1000, 削灵 2.5 -> 5
  • 四卡霸体:罗曼取消
  • 五卡地震:地震准备时间 120F,硬直-21(和C版六震一样),可防御,下段特射,全正防也削3灵
  • 五卡绯想天:发生 41 -> 31, Rate 98% -> 95%


==== 普通技 ====

  • AAAA:追击时间无限
  • 6A:命中后弹地
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
  • J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • J6A:追击时间无限
  • J2A:命中后可立即取消
  • DC:第一HIT Rate 100%
  • B系列弹幕: hitstop 5 -> 15; blockstop = 2
  • 5B和J5B:改变弹幕生成的位置,会前后围绕早苗
  • 新招数 H2C HJ2C:普通 2C 生成五颗星弹,蓄力 2C 生成七颗
  • 6C和J6C:追击时间无限,一旦神奈子消失就会立即回满CD
  • 4C和J4C:追击时间增加 45 -> 60,一旦诹访子消失就会立即回满CD
  • J4C:发生 37 -> 31,移动取消 -10

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原623妈突:追击时间无限,CD比原版减少25%
  • 623改妈风:CD比原版减少25%
  • 623改妈柱:失去无敌属性,伤害减少,可以跳取消了,CD比其他623减少50%,命中弹地,追击时间无限
  • 所有214青蛙:CD比原版减少50%
  • 214改铁轮:不可擦弹
  • 原22抽签炸弹:大吉的追击时间无限
  • 22改水蛙:不会把对手击飞
  • 22改白蛇:B版发生 33 -> 23,移动取消 28 -> 26;C版发生 33 -> 93,移动取消 28 -> 30(蛇弹幕在早苗背后生成)
  • 236改星落:弹幕扩大
  • 236改起浪:发生加快

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡祈运:硬直减少,可接后续
  • 二卡抽签炸弹:丢出四个签前早苗保持擦弹状态,所有攻击都追击时间无限,大凶伤害增加
  • 二卡仪式:追击时间无限
  • 三卡星落:发生加快,硬直减少,追击时间增加
  • 四卡红星凹:发生加快 25 -> 19
  • 五卡大开海:伤害-1000,Rate 90%


==== 普通技 ====

  • F5A:追击时间增加 35 -> 45
  • 删除招数 AAA6A 和 AAA3A
  • JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
  • J2A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • J6A:追击时间无限
  • J8A:硬直-15,追击时间增加 60 -> 90
  • DB:霸体 10 -> 20,追击时间增加 45 -> 60,硬直 +12
  • 5B:hitstop 0 -> 10
  • 6B:hitstop 0 -> 10
  • 2B: 追击时间增加 45 -> 50
  • C弹幕:hitstop 5 -> 10
  • 6C: blockstop 0 -> 5

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236芳波:B版发生 28 -> 24,C版发生 59 -> 31,击飞向量修改更容易接后续
  • 236改水型:吸收盾带攻击判定,B版发生 4 -> 12,C版发生 4 -> 20
  • 236改彩雨:B版发生 21 -> 20,C版和空中C版发生都变成 24且旋转时向前移动,hitstop 0 -> 10,追击时间增加
  • 原214螺光步:发生-7,追击时间无限
  • 214改烈虹拳:弹幕部分伤害 50 -> 100
  • 原623红炮:BC版硬直-7,追击时间 60F,Rate 85%
  • 623改红寸劲:攻击判定扩大
  • 623改虎劲:可以任意取消
  • 原22黄震脚:命中后击飞对手可接后续,追击时间增加 45 -> 60,Rate 95% -> 92%
  • 22改地龙波:击飞得更高,Rate 85% -> 90%
  • 22改天龙脚:BC版都追击时间无限且攻击持续帧内带擦弹

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡欧拉:硬直减少,hitstop 增加,击飞高度增加,后续可接F5A和2B
  • 三卡小球:发生加快,可4A接;硬直减少,不会击飞地面上的对手,对空中对手的击飞也减轻,每 HIT 削灵 0.2 -> 0.25
  • 三卡大鹏:Rate 75% -> 85%
  • 四卡猛虎:罗曼取消
  • 五卡大鹏:前两HIT Rate 100%,第三HIT Rate 75%
  • 五卡大球:弹墙幅度增大,更容易接后续


==== 其他 ====

  • 6DD责任: 27 -> 25(全角色一般都是25)

==== 普通技 ====

  • AAA:hitstop +5
  • AAAA:新招数动作,追击时间无限
  • F5A:hitstop +5
  • 6A:发生加快 21 -> 17(和3A一样快)
  • 3A:击飞向量修改,可接后续
  • JA:追击时间 25 -> 30
  • J6A:硬直-7,追击时间无限
  • J2A:每HIT Rate 94% -> 95%
  • J8A:硬直-4,追击时间 45 -> 60
  • DB:硬直-4,可必杀取消
  • DC:击飞向量修改
  • 5B弹幕:hitstop 0 -> 10
  • 6B:发生 18 -> 15,移动取消 34 -> 30
  • 2B和J2B:移动取消 30, 33 -> 23
  • 5C:追击时间无限
  • 6C:hitstop 10 -> 20; 追击时间 35 -> 40, 每HIT削灵 0.125 -> 0.25
  • 2C:蓄力越久尺寸越大,伤害越高

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原236冰锥:追击时间无限,B版发生 24 -> 20,C版发生 35 -> 31(都和空中版一样快)
  • 236改陷阱:被打不消失,削灵 0.5 -> 1,击飞得更高,移动取消B版 39 -> 35;C版 47 -> 43
  • 236改射线:B版角度较小,C版角度较大,1HIT变成了3HIT,伤害150,Rate 96%,移动取消 40 -> 36
  • 原214雪球:追击时间无限,发生 17 -> 11
  • 214改头槌:追击时间无限,一级就可以空中使用
  • 214改踢:可以控制下落
  • 原623:追击时间无限,发生-5
  • 623改转剑:击飞向量修改易于连段,追击时间增加
  • 623改冰刺:伤害 150 -> 200,追击时间 45 -> 60

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡冰锥:可大跳取消
  • 二卡转圈:硬直减少,修复落地时无限旋转的bug
  • 三卡射线:追击时间无限
  • 三卡制冰:罗曼取消
  • 三卡喷头:弹幕的击退减少,blockstop: 0 -> 5; speed: 4.5 -> 3, 发生 36 -> 26; 全体 68 -> 55
  • 三卡踢:发生-28,修复使用耗灵的bug,打防或命中后可随意取消
  • 五卡完美冻结:追击时间无限
  • 五卡大冰锤:普通命中时弹地


  • 6DD责任: 30 -> 27

==== 普通技 ====

  • 空中冲刺:新动作
  • AAA:新动作
  • AAAA:新动作,追击时间增加,击飞向量修改
  • 2A:对手被命中后的动作修改
  • JA:硬直-9
  • J6A:追击时间无限,取消额外的受击判定
  • J2A:发生 20 -> 14,调整攻击判定,命中后弹地,命中音效修改
  • J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • B弹幕: hitstop 5 -> 14
  • 6B弹幕:带 Lift 修正,追击时间增加 25 -> 45,攻击等级 中等 -> 大
  • C弹幕:追击时间 +25
  • 6C弹幕:伤害 150 -> 120
  • 2C:取消额外的受击判定
  • DC:第二HIT可随意取消

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原22太阳:伤害减少,Rate减少,追击时间无限
  • 22改火柱:追击时间无限,击飞高度降低,持续+26
  • 22改波动炮:追击时间无限,hitstop 20F,移动取消-5,持续+10
  • 原623:击飞向量修改
  • 623改飞机:LV2的额外6F攻击的追击时间无限
  • 623改足浴:可以投到荷叶青蛙,修复不耗灵的bug
  • 原236扫地:发生 56 -> 41,移动取消: 53, 58 -> 37
  • 236改光刀:带smash修正,命中弹墙,追击时间增加,伤害 400 -> 450,硬直-6
  • 214改怨灵:瞄准对手发射而不是瞄准高达自己

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 一卡人造太阳:发生-5
  • 三卡小核炮:发生-6,硬直-61
  • 三卡光刀:发生-21,硬直-10
  • 三卡面包圈:追击时间无限
  • 四卡十凶星:发生 37 -> 31,伤害减少
  • 四卡核炎井:伤害减少
  • 四卡地底太阳:硬直-88
  • 四卡飞机:击飞向量和击飞动作修改
  • 五卡大核炮:伤害减少
  • 五卡自爆:罗曼取消


==== 其他 ====

  • J1D/J2D/J3D:可用空中冲刺和空中招数取消
  • 切换荷叶姿态帧数:14 -> 3(但是判定框还是需要14F才会变化)

==== 普通技 ====

  • AA: hitstop 10 -> 15
  • AAAA:追击时间无限
  • F5A:不把人击飞,hitstop 10 -> 15
  • 3A:不把人击飞,可用荷叶招数取消,发生 25 -> 15
  • JA:硬直-4
  • LA:不把人击飞,hitstop 10 -> 15
  • L6A:击飞向量修改,可接钻地招数
  • DA:发生-12
  • J6A:击飞向量修改,可接钻地招数
  • J2A:弹墙幅度增大,发生 40 -> 25
  • J8A:树的伤害和击飞与青蛙本体的HIT一样,追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • B系列小水弹和6B铁轮:追击时间+15
  • 6B:移动取消 34 -> 29,全体 65 -> 55
  • L6B:移动取消 49 -> 39,全体 65 -> 55
  • 5C水柱:一旦接近对手就会触发,击飞得更高, hitstop 0 -> 10,发生-10,移动取消 39 -> 34,全体 74 -> 64
  • H5C:发生-10,移动取消 54 -> 49,全体 89 -> 79
  • 6C:移动取消 48 -> 39,全体 84 -> 79
  • L5C弹幕:会击飞地面对手,但不会击飞得更远而丢连段
  • L5C:发生-6,移动取消 43 -> 35,全体 82 -> 74
  • J5C:发生-6,移动取消 41 -> 33,全体 73 -> 65

==== 必杀技 ====

  • 原623蛤蟆:LV1后体术无敌,不可SC取消,追击时间无限
  • 623改铁轮:追击时间无限
  • 623改长手长脚:一旦生成就有攻击判定,伤害 200 -> 240,追击时间增加 45 -> 60
  • 原214水柱:每HIT伤害 200 -> 230
  • 214改水蛙:一靠近对手就立即爆炸
  • 214改喷水:击飞向量修改,hitstop增加,追击时间增加 25 -> 45
  • 原236大地之湖:发生不变但是跳跃提早,下降时的攻击会弹地,地面攻击追击时间无限
  • 236改翡翠:翡翠玉一从地里刷新就有攻击判定
  • 236改蛙石神:空中版发生-9,追击时间无限,硬直期间可SC取消,击飞向量修改
  • 原22作祟:发生 20 -> 16

==== SC符卡 ====

  • 二卡清水:追击时间无限
  • 二卡铁轮:追击时间无限
  • 三卡长手长脚:追击时间无限
  • 四卡赤蛙:追击时间无限
  • 四卡川:第一HIT攻击判定增大




Unlimited 英文Wiki说明: https://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/User:Tessiro#The_Soku_Instrumentality_Projectopen in new window

NextSoku 英文Wiki说明: https://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/User:Yumeko/NextSokuopen in new window

= Changelist =
Current version: Soku Unlimited ver. 3.6.5

=== Universal ===

  • Limit system removed
  • "Rift Attack" corrected to "Lift Attack"
  • Extra proration on lift/smash/skills/spells are removed. They will still show up on the HUD, but will not affect damage
  • All moves will prorate by an extra 18%
  • All moves have untech increased by 10 more than their listed values
  • characters will perform special actions after standing idle for a certain amount of time (purely aesthetic)
  • Cancel system revamped
    ** Characters that repeat their jab for the second hit of dial a can cancel it into 2A
    ** Characters without rapid attacks can cancel 2A into 5A (Komachi can cancel 5A into 2A)
    ** Dial A enders can be replaced with 3a/6a in chains
    ** All parts of dial A can be cancelled into bullets/skills

=== Known bugs ===

  • Dragon Star may cause desync
  • Some moves are hard coded to force limit and will induce it despite it being disabled

=== Reimu ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: earlier forward step # less dial a drops
  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown; new animation
  • 3A: consistent parameters: damage: 750; proration: 85%; untech: 45 # bugfix
  • 66A: duration: 36 -> 34 # recovery -2 # soku 1.03
  • 66C: untech 40 -> 60
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.6A: forces knockdown; damage -50
  • j.2A: causes groundbounce
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • 5B: motion cancel: 29 -> 25; startup: 15 -> 14 # = 2B, 6B
  • 6B: motion cancel: 28 -> 25 # = 2B
  • 2B: bullet: reaches all the way across the stage # SWR
  • C bullets: untech: 25 -> 30, hitstop 5 -> 10
    ==== Skills ====-
  • Hakurei Amulet: untech: 30 -> 35, hitstop 5 -> 10, B version (air and ground): spawns close to reimu; C version (air and ground): spawns far from reimu
  • Youkai Buster: damage 90 -> 120; bigger wallbounce
  • Ascension Kick: B version: forces knockdown, counter hit property removed, gains melee invincibility at level 1; C version: forces knockdown
  • Sliding Ascension Kick: 2nd hit: cancellable into anything; 3rd hit: forces knockdown
  • Rain Dance: damage: 300 -> 400; proration: 95% -> 96%, pushback vector modified # midscreen hits work better, cannot be canceled on whiff; forces knockdown
  • Cautionary Border: untech: 40 -> 45; cannot be diffused by grazing; reflects projectiles
  • Binding Border: untech: 40 -> 45; startup -10
  • Permanent Border: untech: 40 -> 45, launch vector modifed # better follow-up options
  • Dimensional Rift: B version: ground bounces; C version: recovery reduced, allows combos on hit
  • Instant Dimensional Rift: can activate from startup, counter window -10, recovery +14
  • demon sealing dimensional rift: B version: melee invincible on startup; C version: grazes on startup, cannot be HJC'd or cancelled into spellcards
    ==== Spells ====
  • Concealed Orbs of Light: forces knockdown
  • Ying Yang Orb: forces knockdown
  • Fantasy Orb: forces knockdown
  • Demon Binding Array: no longer a reversal, now high jump cancellable
  • Fantasy Orb: consistent damage: 350
  • Fantasy Seal: consistent damage: 800
  • Fantasy Heaven: activation: acts as a roman cancel; attack: no longer causes instant KO (~3500 damage)
  • Expanding Boundary: spirit damage: 0.15 -> 0.25, forces knockdown, damage 500 -> 400, launch vector changed # hits link more reliably, does more damage
  • Fantasy Seal: forces knockdown
  • Dash: speed: 8 -> 9 # iamp

=== Marisa ===
==== Normals ====

  • Flight/Airdash: New animation
  • f.5A: consistent damage: 450 # bugfix
  • 6A: skill cancellable at any time after it hits/is blocked
  • 5AAA: earlier forward step # less dial a drops
  • 66A: block direction mid -> low
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.6A: forces knockdown
  • j.6[A]: forces knockdown
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • j.2A: startup 16 -> 13 # j.6A
  • j.2[A]: forces knockdown
  • 66B: now skill cancellable
  • B bullets: hitstop 5 -> 12, damage -50
  • 6C bullet: proration 98% -> 96.5%
  • 66C: groundbounces
    ==== Skills ====
  • Meteonic Debris: consistent proration: 96% # bugfix; forces knockdown
  • Green Spread: lasers have a hitbox on creation; explosion: forces knockdown, bigger wallbounce
  • Miasma Sweep: forces knockdown, will no longer trade
  • Narrow Spark: forces knockdown; hjc -6, launches higher
  • Witch Leyline: forces knockdown
  • Radial Strike: forces knockdown, launch vector modified # better wallbounce
  • Up Sweeper: melee, forces knockdown, marisa cannot move until she touches the ground, spell-cancellable if it hits
  • Stellar Missile: size increased
  • Magical Reusable Bomb: cannot hit marisa
    ==== Spells ====
  • Metoric Shower: can be high jump cancelled
  • Stardust Reverie: hit animation modified # always sends foes in front of marisa
  • Escape Velocity: forces knockdown
  • Orrieries Sun: acts as a roman cancel
  • Luminous Strike: forces knockdown
  • Blazing Star: hit animation changed # blasts forwards instead of up
  • Gravity Beat: damage: 3000 -> 1800

=== Sakuya ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown
  • 2A: startup -2
  • 3A: launches higher
  • 6A: startup -2 # combos from f.5A
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.6A: forces knockdown, damage -50
  • j.2A: damage: 900 -> 800
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • B bullets: damage 100 -> 90, proration 95% -> 97%, untech 25 -> 35
  • 66B: forces knockdown; now skill cancellable
  • C bullets: untech 45 -> 60
  • 66C: different hit angle (less forwards)
    ==== Skills ====
  • Sense of Thrown Edge: stationary knives can damage enemies; untech: 40 -> 45 # = 6C, damage: 150 -> 200, spirit damage: 0.125 -> 0.15 # magic star sword
  • Crossup Magic: forces knockdown; air versions: damage +100, can be cancelled into spells during the attack and during land recovery
  • Parallel Brain: knives remain on cancel
  • Propelling Silver: ring can hit while forming; attack+motion cancel: b: 33 -> 29; c: 38 -> 33, spirit damage: 0.1 -> 0.15; blockstop: 0 -> 5; recovery -12
  • Magic Star Sword: forces knockdown
  • Dancing Star Sword: setup animation: spirit regeneration delay: 120 -> 60; orbiting knives stay until she is launched
  • Dancing Star Sword: activation: high jump cancellable; thrown knives: easier to combo with, more blockstun
  • Perfect Maid: can counter from the start, recovery +10, air versions cannot be cancelled on whiff
  • Time Paradox: B version: recovery -9, startup -6, damage = 800/500, untech = 120, launch vector modified # can be followed by aerial attacks
  • Time Paradox: C version: forces knockdown
    ==== Spells ====
  • Inscribed Red Soul: forces knockdown
  • Soul Sculpture: forces knockdown
  • Phantasmic Killer: startup -10, damage per hit = 140

=== Remilia ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: first hit: hitbox size increased (fixes dial A drops)
  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown; hit sfx adjusted; new animation
  • 3A: new animation
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.5AA: ground bounce on standing characters # prevents infinite loop
  • j.6A: forces knockdown
  • B bullets: hitstop: 5 -> 10
  • C bullets: proration = 97% -> 98%, damage = 120 -> 100
    ==== Skills ====
  • Demon Lord Walk: forces knockdown
  • Vampire Claw: B version ender: forces knockdown; C version ender: hitstop increased, launch height increased # allows followup combo
  • Chain Gang: more untech
  • Demon's Dinner Fork: forces knockdown
  • Rocket Kick Upper: hitbox size increased # able to hit enemies on the ground, hitstop 3 -> 25, proration 93% -> 95%
  • Vampire Kiss: B version: startup 33 -> 9; C version: startup 38 -> 25, more recovery on hit
  • Demon Lord Cradle: forces knockdown
  • Trickster Devil: bigger wallbounce; allows followup combos
  • Demon's Dinner Fork: forces knockdown
  • Ceiling Fear: forces knockdown
  • stigmatizer: startup 28 -> 20, hjc 44 -> 22, more hitstop
    ==== Spells ====
  • Demon King Cradle: startup reduced (links from 4A # 5Card cradle); proration increased, more untech
  • Heart Break: forces knockdown
  • red the nightless castle: forces knockdown
  • Remilia Stretch: blockable, damage 4250 -> 3500. startup -39, recovery -30 launch vector changed # groundbounces
  • Demon King Cradle: startup reduced (links from 4A # 5Card cradle)
  • Spear The Gungir: forces knockdown
  • Millenium Vampire: acts as a roman cancel

=== Alice ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: earlier forward step # less dial a drops
  • 5AAA[A]: damage 1250 -> 1500, recovery -12 (+3 on block)
  • 6A: forces knockdown
  • 6[A]: forces knockdown; air unblockable
  • 2A: startup -1
  • 3A, j.5A, j.2A: startup: hurtbox extension reduced
  • j.5A: untech 30 -> 35
  • j.6A: falls faster after using; landing recovery removed, forces knockdown, startup: 15 -> 13
  • j.2A: startup: 21 -> 17, untech 50 -> 60
  • j.8A: duration: 65 -> 56 # recovery -9; untech 45 -> 60
  • 2B: startup: 16 -> 13
  • B series: damage 100 -> 90, will fire even if canceled by a high jump, skill or c bullet
  • j.5B, j.6B: recovery increased
  • C series: not cleared if alice wins the round
  • 4C: motion cancel: 34 -> 28 # = doll arrangement
  • j.2C: motion cancel: 28 -> 20 # = jc and j.6C
  • j.4C: added; motion cancel: 28 # = j.2C before the fix
    ==== Skills ====
  • Doll Placement: untech 50 -> 70
  • Volatile Doll: B version: melee invulnerable on startup; both versions: dolls will explode on contact with enemy instead of the ground
  • Edo High-Explosive Pawn: can have multiple instances
  • Thousand Spear Dolls: B version: recovery -6; C version: recovery -6; forces knockdown vs. air
  • Doll Archers: B version: motion cancel: 37 -> 29; C version: motion cancel: 45 -> 37, arrows stay when alice flinches # soku 1.03; forces knockdown
  • Doll Ambush: motion cancel: 43 -> 34
  • Doll Arrangement: blockstop per hit: 0 -> 10
  • Seeker Wire: graze resistance by level: [3, 5, 7, 9] -> 10
  • Doll Activation: forces knockdown
  • SP Doll: forces knockdown
    ==== Spells ====
  • Hourai Doll: untech: 60 -> 9999; spirit damage: 0.66 -> 1.33 # full card
  • Holland Doll: startup -14; recovery -19
  • Little Legion: spirit damage: ~0.75 -> ~1.0 # full card
  • Trip Wire: untech: dolls: forces knockdown, startup: ground: 22 -> 16; air: 24 -> 18
  • Artful Sacrifice: startup: 55 -> 45; damage: 2250 -> 1750; forces knockdown
  • Futuristic Puppet: more chip damage; explosion damage: 500 -> 1500
  • Shanghai Doll: untech: 60 -> 6000; motion cancelable
  • Cute Phalanx: proration per hit: 98% -> 98.5%
  • Dolls War: proration: 95% -> 97%, startup: 37 -> 24, extended recovery period if it doesn't connect
  • Lemmings Parade: damage reduced
    ==== Other ====
  • Spirit Regeneration: delay after using skills: 120 -> 75
  • Border Escape Forwards: extended hurtbox behind alice removed

=== Patchouli ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: forces knockdown, ungrazable bullet that deals 1 orb on block, hit sfx modified
  • 6A: startup -2 # 3A ; hit vector changed: causes groundbounce
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30, proration: 94% -> 95%
  • j.6A: proration: 87% -> 94%, launch vector: opponent stays closer to patchouli, forces knockdown
  • j.2A: groundbounces, startup 20 -> 13
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • 2C: launch vector: bounces higher; untech: 45 -> 60
  • 5C bullets: untech 30 -> 45, damage -50
  • 6C series: untech 25 -> 45
  • 66C: grazes
    ==== Skills ====
  • Summer Red: forces knockdown
  • Summer Flame: hitstop 10 -> 15, hit animation changed # grounded opponents are not launched
  • Flash Of Spring: startup: 25 -> 18, lift attack # launches people into the air with high untech, proration 80% -> 95%, damage 1200 -> 800
  • Wipe Moisture: cancellable into itself (acts as a rekka), damage 400 -> 500; no longer launches foes
  • Static Green: level of attaining melee invincibility: 2 -> 1, forces knockdown
  • Condensed Bubble: attack cancel: 35 -> 19 # = air version, motion cancel: 35 -> 27 # = winter element
  • Sticky Bubble: opponent cannot move while bubbles are being attached to them, small bubbles do 50 damage and force knockdown against air opponents; damage from accumulating 10 bubbles: 0 -> 1000, attack cancel: 35 -> 19 # = air version, motion cancel: 35 -> 27 # = winter element
  • Autumn Edge: spirit damage: 0.2 -> 0.3, startup -9
  • Autumn Blade: forces knockdown
  • Force Lasher: startup 23 -> 18, recovery 32 -> 8
  • Emerald City: forces knockdown
    ==== Spells ====
  • st elmo's pillar -> launch height, more untech # allows followup combos, damage: 2800 -> 3250; proration: 70% -> 75%; forces knockdown
  • Phlogistic Pillar: startup: 24 -> 16 # +6 for each additional wave
  • St Elmo's Pillar: duration: 96 -> 86 # recovery -10
  • Elemental Harvester: damage: 130 -> 150; proration: 98.5% -> 99%, forces knockdown
  • Emerald Megalopolis: total: 49 -> 39
  • photosynthesis: total 102 -> 78 # satellite sunflower
  • Royal Diamond Ring: forces knockdown
  • Philosopher's Stone: extra projectiles: forces knockdown

=== Youmu ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAAAA: opponent bounces closer to youmu
  • 3A: replaced with an anti air melee attack
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30; damage -100
  • j.6A: forces knockdown; damage -100
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • j.2A: horizontal range extended # soku 1.03, groundbounces on normal hit, now skill cancellable, proration 85% -> 78.5%
  • 66AA: startup -6 # combos from 66A, skill cancelable
  • B bullets: untech 25 -> 30, hitstop 10 -> 15, damage 200 -> 150
  • 6C, j.6C: forces knockdown; damage -100
  • 5C series bullets: untech 25 -> 30, hitstop 10 -> 15, hit animation modified
  • 6C: damage 700 -> 600
    ==== Skills ====
  • Netherworld Reflection Slash: has a damaging hitbox starting at level 1, damage = 600, spirit damage = 1 orb
  • Crescent Moon Slash: both versions: forces knockdown
  • Slashing a Flower Upon One's Head: causes groundbounce on hit; now air-usable
  • Slash of Life and Death: 3rd hit will ground bounce
  • Lotus Stance Cut: air version enabled, startup decreased, high jump cancels earlier, 1 hit on lvl 1-3 and 4 hits on max
  • Heart-Carving Cut: startup 25 -> 17 # SWR
  • Intolerant Avici: startup 13 -> 9 # combos from 5A/2A, launch vector changed # has better followup options, proration = 95%
  • Strange Half Body: no longer launches
  • Insightful Sword: can counter from startup, recovery +8
  • Medium's Bind: forces knockdown
    ==== Spells ====
  • Wheel of pain: recovery -6
  • Ascension to Nirvana: forces knockdown
  • Life ending sword 'Meditation': forces knockdown
  • Thousand Cherry Blossoms: launch vector changed # hits link better, damage 1000 -> 700
  • Rise from Delusion: damage per hit 1200 -> 1000
  • Six Root Cleansing: invulnerable startup
  • Secret of Life and Death: acts as a roman cancel, animation can be cancelled into attacks after clone appears
    ==== Other ====
  • Dash: continuous graze
  • Flight: spirit cost per frame: 12 -> 10

=== Reisen ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: no longer launches foes
  • 5AAAA: launch vector modified # opponent bounces closer to reisen
  • 3A: no longer launches
  • 3[A]: now a 2-hit combo; launches foes to allow followups
  • 6[a]: grazes while active
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.6A: forces knockdown
  • B bullets: proration 93% -> 95%
  • C bullets: untech 25 -> 45
    ==== Skills ====
  • Mind Explosion: damage reduced
  • Mind Bending: all versions: startup -4, +100 damage, untech 40 -> 60, proration 850 -> 950, hit animation changed # hits link better and is now easier to follow; forces knockdown
  • Illusionary Blast: forces knockdown
  • Eyesight Cleansing: tracer beams have a hitbox on creation
  • Ripple Vision: forces knockdown
  • Mind Dropping: bullets does not launch, proration 93% -> 99%, hjc -6
  • Undersense Break: B version: melee invulnerable on startup, no longer spell cancellable; C version: grazes on startup
  • Disbelief Aspect: B version: startup -5, reisen can move as soon as clone starts firing; C version: startup -5, now high jump/spell cancellable, both versions: proration 93% -> 95%
  • Disorder Eye: forces knockdown
    === Spells ====
  • Corolla Vision: ground: recovery -18, air: startup -8
  • weak heart "demotivation": forces knockdown
  • discarder: forces knockdown
  • x-wave: invincible on startup, forces knockdown
  • Corolla Vision: bullet: forces knockdown, damage 600 -> 800, proration 90% -> 93%
  • Patriots' Elixir: damage from drinking 4 potions: 4500 -> 20000, explosion is now fullscreen
  • Lunatic Red Eyes: forces knockdown
  • Mind Starmine: less startup

=== Yuyuko ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: forces knockdown; damage -500
  • 5A, f.5A, 66A: hurtbox extension on recovery reduced
  • 6A: causes groundbounce
  • j.6A: untech 45 -> 60
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • j.2A: forces knockdown; damage -50
  • C series: proration 93% -> 96%, untech 25 -> 30
  • C series: launch vector modified to prevent infinites
    ==== Skills ====
  • Light of the Undead: forces knockdown
  • Dance of the Butterfly Dream: forces knockdown
  • Sense Of Elegance: B version: damage 1000 -> 700, startup: 25 -> 17, recovery 25 -> 20, blockstop on opponent 10 -> 5
  • Sense Of Elegance: B version: untech 40 -> 60, proration 850 -> 940, launch height increased # allows yuyuko to combo after
  • Sense of Elegance: C version: always forces knockdown
  • Land Of Death: damage +50; B version: startup 23 -> 13; C version: startup 33 -> 23; proration 93% -> 96%, untech 40 -> 50, launch vector modified # better follow options
  • Lance of the Swallowtail Crest: bigger wallbounce; untech +20, hjc -12
  • Reverse Screens: bigger hitbox # can combo from moves in midscreen; reflects while active
  • Spirit Luring Nectar: forms bigger ghosts, damage 300 -> 350
  • Gifts to the Deceased: damage +300; formed ghosts: spirit damage increased, hitstop 5 -> 10, blockstop 5 -> 10
    ==== Spells ====
  • ticket to the netherworld: explosion: proration 85% -> 40%, damage 3500 -> 4000
  • Ghastly Dream: forces knockdown
  • Ageless Dream: forces knockdown
  • Sense of Cherry Blossom: startup -10

=== Yukari ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: hitstop 10 -> 15 # 5AAA 5B is more consistent
  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown; new animation
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • 3A: untech 45 -> 60
  • j.2A: bigger hitbox; no landing recovery on hit
  • j.6A: total duration: 61 -> 53 # recovery -8, forces knockdown, changes yukari's momentum sooner
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • B bullets: untech = 30, damage = 75
  • 2B: cancel, motion cancel: (31, 31) -> (26, 26) # soku 1.03, bullet speed: 10 -> 12
  • 66B: startup: 14 -> 13; groundbounces, damage -50
  • c series: untech = 45, damage = 275, proration = 95%
    ==== Skills ====
  • Open, Lamented Box of Urashima: startup -5; causes groundbounce on hit, damage -500; B version: drops closer to yukari and can hold [4] to drop even closer
  • Bewitching Bait: attack cancel: 37-> 22; motion cancel: 37 -> 32, total: ground: 67 -> 59; air: 75 -> 67; spirit damage 0.5 -> 1
  • Border Between Brains and Feet: B version startup -6, blockstop 0 -> 10; C version startup -15
  • Ride the Waves, Fight the Ocean: B version: has a damaging hurtbox (damage: 800, spirit damage: 0.5, proration: 92%, launch: wallslam)
  • Illusion Manji Parasol: hits while being held, released parasol: untech 45 -> 60
  • Open, Lamented Box of Urashima: damage 1200 -> 700
  • Bound to the grave: bigger wallbounce
  • Bewitching Bait: no longer launches; hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 0 -> 15
  • Universe of Matter and antimatter: hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 10 -> 15; launches foes straight upwards, cannot be teched
  • Illusional Rift: B version: bigger wallbounce; C version: groundbounces
  • Eye Of Changes: spirit damage: 0.5 -> 1 untech 40 -> 60, proration 92% -> 98%; C version: can only have one at a time
  • Flesh Dismantler: grazes when yukari appears, B version: underground movement speed: 6 -> 8; C version: landing animation is now cancellable to allow followups; pop-out delay by level: [20, 16, 12, 5] -> [16, 13, 10, 5]
    ==== Spells ====
  • Boundary Between 2D and 3D: forces knockdown, does not prorate, startup -14, spirit damage 0.5 -> 0.25
  • Chen: thrown downwards instead of upwards, forces knockdown, proration 80% -> 90%, spirit damage = 0.25 orb
  • Ran: forces knockdown, proration 92% -> 99%
  • Objective Border: forces knockdown
  • Nest Of Fireflies: untech greatly increased
  • The Magic Eye of Laplace: proration = 99%, forces knockdown
  • Quadruple Barrier: bigger wallbounce, now allows followups
  • Laced with Venom: no longer launches; hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 0 -> 15
  • Trip to the Old Station: damage -500; hit animation changed # always hits 4 times
    ==== Other ====
  • Dash: speed: 8 -> 9 # iamp
  • 44 wall teleport: invincible startup

=== Suika ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: earlier forward step # less dial a drops; now bullet cancellable
  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown
  • f.5A: startup: 17 -> 15; active: 4 -> 6, hurtbox extension on recovery reduced
  • f.5[a]: hurtbox extension on recovery reduced
  • 2[a]: recovered # note: this is a grazable move that is skill cancellable, does 1 orb on block and hits mid
  • 3A: startup: 19 -> 17
  • 6A: startup: 18 -> 17
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30; damage -100
  • j.2A: hitboxes/angles adjusted for better linking midscreen
  • j.6A: forces knockdown; damage -200
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • 66A: both hits are high and do 1 orb on wrongblock
  • 6B bullet: untech 30 -> 45; damage -200
  • 2B: block direction: mid -> low, now groundbounces on standing or air, prorate 85% -> 75%, untech 60 -> 45
  • 2[b]: bounce height increased, active frames 2 -> 4
  • 66B: startup: 18 -> 17; replaced with an attack similar to IaMP Suika's 3DA: hits mid
  • 6C, j.6C: bounces off walls # iamp
    ==== Skills ====
  • Oni Spirit Bomb: forces knockdown
  • Spectre -Dense-: B version: super armor for 7 frames after releasing the button on lvl 0; forces knockdown
  • Spectre -Dense-: C version: super armor on startup # continues while held until first active frame
  • Unpleasant Mist: startup 27 -> 8, can be cancelled as soon as suika exits the mist
  • Foot Bellows: air versions: has a damaging hitbox while decending that hits high; all versions now cause ground bounce
  • Gnome -Thin-: C version: loses melee hitbox, can be high jump cancelled
  • Gnome -Dense-: forces knockdown
  • Kidnapping Oni: B version: startup = 15; C version: startup -10, now has super armor
    ==== Spells ====
  • Gathering And Dissipating: recovery -20, blockstop 3 -> 10
  • Missing Power: forces knockdown
  • 3-step destruction: forces knockdown
  • Throwing Mt. Togakushi: forces knockdown
  • Missing Purple Power:
    ** walk cycle: hits on the first frame
    ** standing horn attack: forces knockdown
    ** jump: same speed as normal jump, forces knockdown
    ** landing: same speed as normal landing
    ** 5A: bigger wallbounce to allow followups, forces knockdown
    ** 5B: causes groundbounce to allow followups
    ** 5C: less recovery
    ** j.5A: bigger wallbounce to allow followups, forces knockdown
    ** j.5B: causes groundbounce to allow followups
    ** j.5C: forces knockdown
  • Art of Oni Binding: does not prorate; duration 3 -> 15
  • Art of Gaki binding: does not prorate; damage 0 -> 1500, duration 3 -> 15
  • Massacre on Mt. Ooe: startup 12 -> 3 # can't be jumped in reaction to the spellflash, damage ~6.2k -> ~4.5k

=== Aya ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown; new animation
  • 6[a]: consistent damage: 800 # bugfix
  • 3A: launch vector changed to allow combos
  • 3[a]: consistent damage: 800 # bugfix
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.6A: forces knockdown
  • j.2A: startup = 13, landing recovery = 14, groundbounce on hit, untech 60 -> 45, proration 90% -> 79%, now skill cancellable; hitbox size increased to allow crossups; damage -100
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • C bullets: untech 45 -> 60
  • 6C bullets: untech 40 -> 50, proration 85% -> 90%
    ==== Skills ====
  • Domination Dash: all versions: forces knockdown; C version: cancellable into any move ON HIT ONLY
  • Tengu Felling: cancellable into attacks after the movement; will not fire a bullet (essentially a command high jump)
  • Graceful Dash: forces knockdown
  • Gale Fan: longer hitbox % hits closer to aya; launches foes horizontally and can wallslam, damage +100
  • Tengu's Pebbles: ground B version: startup -11, hjc -8; ground c, air b/C versions: startup -10; spirit damage per hit: 0.1 -> 0.25; blockstop 2 -> 8; hitstop 5 -> 10, proration = 100%, untech = 40
  • Tengu Drum: initial hit: forces knockdown, a followup: forces knockdown, b followup: no longer ground bounces, c followup: forces knockdown
  • Wind from the Maple Fan: spawns closer to aya, more hitstun # easier to follow, proration 93% -> 98%
  • Tengu's Downburst: hitbox size increased to allow crossups
  • Wind Sickle Veling: will not disappate if not cancelled
    -- Spells ====
  • Tengu Limited Special: acts as a roman cancel
  • Wind of the Tengu Path: bigger wallbounce
  • Tengu's Macroburst: proration reduced
  • Route Forbidden to Man: rock proration reduced, more untech, hitstop increased # juggles more consistently

=== Komachi ===
==== Normals ====

  • 4A/5A: block direction: any -> high
  • 5AAA: new animation
  • 5AAAA: hitstop increased # allows easier/more varied followups
  • f.5A: startup: 15 -> 13; total: 57 -> 47 # recovery -10, recovery: hurtbox extension reduced; forces knockdown
  • 3A: proration 80% -> 85%, untech 45 -> 50
  • 3[a]: forces knockdown
  • j.5A: total duration: 46 -> 40 # recovery -6, untech: 25 -> 30
  • j.6A: blindspot removed # swr, total duration: 69 -> 57 # recovery -12, forces knockdown, no landing recovery on whiff
  • j.2A: extended hurtbox in front of komachi removed
  • 2B: startup: 21 -> 17; motion cancel: 28 -> 24 # swr
  • 5C bullets: can have multiple ghosts on screen at once; untech 45 -> 60
  • j.5C: spirit is ensured to come out while land canceling
  • 2C: forces knockdown
  • 6C, j.6C, j.2C: bullet priority: c(3) -> b(1), untech 45 -> 60
  • 66C: forces knockdown
    ==== Skills ====
  • Spirits of the Firm: startup -2; launches ground enemies
  • Scythe of the Reaper: ground B/C, air B version: forces knockdown
  • Bound Spirits of the Earth: hits while coming out
  • Wind on the Last Journey: forces knockdown; has a reflecting effect
  • Boat on the Sanzu: can act with anything after komachi jumps off the boat
  • Taste Of Death: recovery -5 # swr, soku 1.03, forces knockdown, armored while held
  • The Endless Way: b startup = 17, c startup = 31, charged C version: spawns on the opponent # bugfix, launch vector modified # launches downward
  • Ritual Of Ecstacy: B version: melee invincible on startup, recovery -20, cannot be cancelled into spells; C version: grazes on startup, startup -20
  • Scythe Of Exorcism: hp healed by one spirit: 15 -> 45; launch vector modified # opponent does not fly as high
  • Scythe Of Exorcism: B version: startup 24 -> 20, hjc 52 -> 32; C version: startup 36 -> 32,hjc 64 -> 44
  • Scythe Of Exorcism: mini ghost explosions: spirit damage 0.125 -> 0.5, damage 300 -> 600, proration 94% -> 96%, launch vector/untech modified # 2C explosions
  • Human Spirit Passing By: forces knockdown
    ==== Spells ====
  • Abundant Floating Spirits: forces knockdown; can be high jump cancelled
  • Flow of the River: proration/recovery reduced. causes wallbounce on hit # allows followup combo
  • Narrow Confines of Avici: initial strike always causes groundbounce. pillar hits will send foes downward. # strike will always combo into the pillar
  • Ferriage in the Deep Fog: startup -30
  • Scythe of Final Judgement: damage: 4000 -> 3500, causes groundbounce on hit # allows followup combo
  • Scythe of Wandering Spirits: damage reduced, invincible on startup # acts as a reversal
  • Short Life Expectancy: initial strike deals 1k damage # able to score KOs
    ==== Other ====
  • Hitbox while taking damage modified to stay the same for the whole animation # prevents infinites from yuyuko

=== Iku ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AA: block direction: mid -> high
  • 5AAA: block direction: high -> low
  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown, hitstop 5 -> 10, now an ungrazeable bullet does 1 spirit damage on block
  • 6A: forces knockdown
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.6A: forces knockdown
  • 66B: can now be cancelled into skills
  • 6C series: proration 92% -> 96.5%, untech 45 -> 50, damage 300 -> 250
    ==== Skills ====
  • Dragon Fish's Stike: forces knockdown
  • Dragonfish, the Able Swimmer: cancellable into any action
  • Veils Like Water: both versions force knockdown
  • Veils Like Water: B version: autoguards from startup to first active frame # functions as a proper reversal, cannot be cancelled into spellcards
  • Electrostatic Guided Missile: forces knockdown
  • Veils Like Wind: both versions have a damaging hitbox
  • Veils Like Wind: B version: launches upwards, damage = 600, spirit damage = 0.5;
  • Veils Like Wind: C version: launches forwards, damage = 800, spirit damage = 1
  • Dragon Fish's Wrath: bolt directly above iku will bring foes downwards, forces knockdown
  • Dragon Fish's Wrath: startup -4; chip damage slightly reduced
    ==== Spells ====
  • Veils Like Time: activation is guard cancellable after startup, launch vector modified to allow easier followups
  • Veils Like Time: ground counter: damage 500 -> 700, forces knockdown; air counter: damage 200 -> 300, forces knockdown
  • Dragonfish Drill: forces knockdown
  • Orb of the Five-Clawed Dragon: forces knockdown
  • Elekiter Dragon Palace: forces knockdown
  • Swimming Oarfish Shot: forces knockdown, opponents are not sent as high

=== Tenshi ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: forces knockdown
  • f.5A: groundbounces airborne characters, untech 45 -> 30
  • f.5[a]: groundbounces airborne characters
  • 3A: forces knockdown
  • 3[a]: forces knockdown
  • 6[a]: super armor while active; damage +100, duration +5, recovery -5; hit sfx adjusted
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30, total: 40 -> 37 # recovery -3
  • j.6A: active: 13 -> 15; total: 58 -> 55 # recovery -3 # soku 1.03, forces knockdown
  • j.2A: startup 20 -> 14, groundbounce on normal hit, landing recovery: 29 -> 23, proration: 85% -> 80%
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • B bullets: damage 150 -> 125
  • 66B: no longer launches
  • C bullets: untech 45 -> 60
    ==== Skills ====
  • Scarlet Sword Temperament: first swing is melee
  • Sky Attack: both ground versions will no longer trade. B version damage: 1000 -> 1200; C version damage: 1000 -> 1250, forces knockdown, air version: can airdash after recovery
  • Heaven and Earth Press: all parts of the move are melee, spirit damage: 0 -> 1, forces knockdown
  • Heaven and Earth Press: B version: minimum delay: 12 -> 6 C version: minimum delay: 18 -> 12 # soku 1.03
  • Sword of Fate: no recovery on catch
  • Sword of Fate: spirit damage per hit: 0.125 -> 0.25, damage 200 -> 250, hitstop increased # easier to combo with, hit animation changed
  • Guardian Keystones: setup animation: has a hitbox while orbiting tenshi, startup +50; spirit regeneration delay: 120 -> 60; C version: launched stones: infinite graze resistance
  • Awakening of the Earth Spirits: thrown projectile damage increased, causes ground bounce; startup decreased; earthquake will not launch
    ==== Spells ====
  • Sword of Unletting Soil: forces knockdown
  • Sword Of Rapture: cancellable animation on hit
  • Sword Of Swagger: hit animation changed # looks cooler
  • Meteorological Revelation: weatherless activation: damage 800 -> 1000, spirit damage 1.25 -> 2.5, launch vector modified to mimic weather version
  • Meteorological Revelation: weather activation: damage 800 -> 1000, spirit damage 2.5 -> 5
  • State Of Enlightenment: acts as a roman cancel
  • Scarlet Weather Pressure: forces knockdown
  • Sword of Worry and Joy: recovery -21, startup = 120F # six signs C version, blockable (low, 3 spirit damage on rightblock)
  • Scarlet Weather Rapture: startup 41 -> 31, proration 98% -> 95%

=== Sanae ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown
  • 6A: groundbounces
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.6A: forces knockdown
  • j.2A: can cancel as soon as it hits
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • 5B, j.5B: bullet spawn location changed # bullets appear around sanae in a circle
  • B series: hitstop 5 -> 15; blockstop = 2
  • 2[c]: recovered; fires seven stars
  • j.2C: always fires five stars # bugfix
  • j.2[c]: recovered; fires seven stars
  • 6C, j.6C: gauge instantly recovers as soon as kanako leaves, forces knockdown
  • 4C, j.4C: gauge instantly recovers as soon as suwako leaves, untech 45 -> 60
  • j.4C: startup: 37 -> 31; j.4C: hjc -10
  • 66C: first hit does not prorate
    ==== Skills ====
  • Sky Goddess Summon: attack: forces knockdown
  • Sky God Summon: onbashira: no longer a reversal; damage reduced; now can be high jump cancelled, gauge recovery is now twice as fast as the other 623 skills; causes groundbounce; forces knockdown
  • sky god summon skills other than onbashira: gauge recovery reduced 25%
  • all earth god summon skills: gauge recovery reduced 50%
  • Earth God Summon: iron ring: cannot be grazed
  • Omikuji Bomb: 'very good luck': forces knockdown
  • Cobalt Spread: no longer launches
  • Falling Stars: size increased
  • Wave Call: startup reduced
  • Sky Serpent: B version: startup: 33 -> 23; motion cancel: 28 -> 26. C version: startup: 33 -> 93; motion cancel: 28 -> 30 # spawns snakes behind sanae
  • Cobalt Spread: hit vector modified # launches higher
    ==== Spells ====
  • Forgotten Ritual: startup: 25 -> 19
  • charm of good commerce: recovery reduced, easier to follow
  • Random Omikuji Barrage: all fortunes: forces knockdown, "very bad luck": damage increased, sanae will graze until she throws all 4 packets
  • mid-day supernova: startup decreased, recovery decreased, more untech
  • Grey Thamaturgy: forces knockdown
  • Moses' Miracle: damage -1000, proration: 90%

=== Meiling ===
==== Normals ====

  • f.5A: untech 35 -> 45
  • 5AAA6A and 5AAA3A: no longer can be performed
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.2A: untech 45 -> 60
  • j.6A: forces knockdown
  • j.8A: duration: 67 -> 52 # recovery -15, untech: 60 -> 90
  • 5B bullets: hitstop: 0 -> 10
  • 6B bullets: hitstop: 0 -> 10
  • 2B: untech 45 -> 50
  • 66B: recovery +12 ; armored on frames 10 -> 20; untech 45 -> 60
  • C bullets: hitstop: 5 -> 10
  • 6C: blockstop: 0 -> 5
    ==== Skills ====
  • Searing Red Fist: bullet portion: damage 50 -> 100
  • Fragrant Wave: startup: B version: 26, 28 -> 24; C version: 61, 59 -> 31, hit angle changed # easier to follow
  • Water Taichi Fist: has a damaging hurtbox, b startup 4 -> 12, c startup 4 -> 20
  • Colorful Rain: startup: b: 21 -> 20; c: 32 -> 24; jc: 34 -> 24, c and jC version: moves forwards while spinning, hitstop 0 -> 10; bullets produced are slightly bigger, have more hitstop and untech
  • Spiral Light Steps: forces knockdown, startup -7
  • Red Cannon: both versions: recovery -7, untech = 60, proration = 85% # functions as a launcher
  • Red Energy Release: bigger hitbox (takes up the entire explosion)
  • Yellow Quake Kick: launches foes into the air # allows followup combo, untech 45 -> 60, proration 95% -> 92%
  • Earth Dragon Wave: launches higher, proration 85% -> 90%
  • Sky Dragon Kick: both versions: grazes while active, both versions: forces knockdown
  • Tiger Chi Release: can be canceled by any action
    ==== Spells ====
  • Intense Rainbow Fist: hitstop increased, juggle height increased, recovery decreased # allows followups like f.5A and 2B
  • Star Bullets: startup reduced (links from 4A # 5Card ball); recovery reduced, no longer launches grounded foes, launch against aerial foes decreased, spirit damage per hit: 0.2 -> 0.25 # soku 1.03; consistent damage: 650 # bugfix
  • Roc Fist: proration 75% -> 85%
  • Fierce Tiger Chi Release: reduced recovery # functions as a roman cancel
  • Roc-Killing Fist: first two hits: proration = 100%, final hit: proration = 75%
  • Earth moving star bullets: bigger wall bounce # allows better followups

=== Cirno ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AAA: hitstop +5
  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown; new animation
  • f5A: hitstop +5
  • 6A: startup: 21 -> 17 # = 3A
  • 3A: new launch vector % can start combos
  • j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
  • j.6A: total: 61 -> 54 # recovery -7
  • j.6A: forces knockdown
  • j.2A: proration per hit: 94% -> 95%
  • j.8A: total: 58 -> 54 # recovery -4; untech 45 -> 60
  • 5B bullets: hitstop: 0 -> 10
  • 6B, j.6B: motion cancel: 34 -> 30, - 6B, j.6B: startup 18 -> 15
  • 6B bullet: hits come out slower
  • 2B, j.2B: motion cancel: 30, 33 -> 23
  • 66B: now skill cancellable, total: 64 -> 60 # recovery -4
  • 5C: forces knockdown
  • 6C, j.6C: hitstop: 10 -> 20; untech: 35 -> 40, spirit damage per hit: 0.125 -> 0.25
  • 2C, j.2C: damage scales according to size
  • 66C: new launch vector
    ==== Skills ====
  • Icicle Shot: forces knockdown, startup: ground B version: 24 -> 20 # = air B version, startup: ground C version: 35 -> 31 # = air C version
  • Frost Pillars: spirit damage: 0.5 -> 1 # soku 1.03, motion cancel: b: 39 -> 35; c: 47 -> 43, does not disappear when cirno gets hit; launches higher
  • Freezing Light: motion cancel: 40 -> 36, number of hits: 1 -> 3; damage: 150; proration: 96
  • Freezing Light: split into b and C versions; B version: narrow angle; C version: wide angle
  • Midsummer Snowman: startup 17 -> 11 # links much easier, forces knockdown
  • Ice Charge: forces knockdown, air usable level: 2 -> 1
  • Ice Kick: can control descent
  • Icicle Spear: damage: 150 -> 200; untech: 45 -> 60
  • Icicle Sword: hit vectors modified # hits link better; C versions damage, more untech
  • Freeze Touch Me: all versions startup -5, forces knockdown
    ==== Spells ====
  • Icicle Machine Gun: high jump cancellable
  • Fairy Spin: recovery reduced, air version: infinite landing bug fixed # bugfix
  • insta-freeze beam: forces knockdown
  • Cold Sprinkler: pushback reduced; blockstop: 0 -> 5; speed: 4.5 -> 3, startup: 36 -> 26; total: 68 -> 55 # better frame advantage
  • Super Ice Kick: startup -28, can be cancelled into any action on block or hit; no longer consumes spirit or adds meter # bugfix
  • Perfect Freeze: forces knockdown
  • Freeze Atmosphere: acts as a roman cancel
  • Great Crusher: groundbounce on normal hit
    ==== Other ====
  • Border Escape Forwards: commitment: 27 -> 25 # = all characters

=== Utsuho ===
==== Normals ====

  • Airdash: new animation
  • 5AAA: new animation
  • 5AAAA: new animation; more untech # allows followup combos; hit vector changed # enemy is closer to utsuho
  • 2A: hit animation changed
  • j.5A: duration: 55 -> 46 # recovery -9
  • j.6A: forces knockdown, hitbox remains the same size for the entire duration, extended hurtbox under utsuho removed
  • j.2A: startup 20 -> 14; adjusted hitbox; ground bounce on hit; hit sfx modified
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
  • B bullets: hitstop 5 -> 14
  • 6B bullet: launch property: lift attack, untech: 25 -> 45, stun type: medium -> heavy
  • 5C: untech +25
  • 6C bullet: damage 150 -> 120
  • 2C: extended hurtbox on top of utsuho removed
  • 66C: second hit can be cancelled into anything
    ==== Skills ====
  • Break Sun: damage reduced, prorates more, forces knockdown
  • Rocket Dive: lv 2+ blast: forces knockdown
  • Ground Melt: startup: 56 -> 41 # all versions, motion cancel: 53, 58 -> 37 # all versions
  • Radiant Blade: smash attack # causes wallbounce with high untech, damage 400 -> 450, recovery 18 -> 12
  • Flare Up: launch vector modified # enemy lands in front of utsuho
  • Melting Pummel Kick: consumes spirit and adds meter # bugfix, now grabs standing suwako
  • Shooting Sun: forces knockdown, enemy does not go flying as high, total animation +26
  • Vengeful Nuclear Spirits: aims at the enemy instead of utsuho
  • Hell Wave Cannon: forces knockdown, hitstop = 20, hjc -5; total animation +10f
    ==== Spells ====
  • Mega Flare: air version: startup -6, recovery -61
  • High Tension Blade: startup -21, recovery -10 # easier to combo into and follow
  • Hell's Artificial Sun: startup -5
  • The Ten Suns: startup: 37 -> 31, damage reduced
  • Nuclear Blaze Geyser: damage reduced
  • Subterranean Sun: recovery -88
  • Fixed Star: forces knockdown
  • Uncontrollable Dive: hit vectors, hit animation changed # links more reliably
  • Giga Flare: damage reduced
  • Abyss Nova: acts as a roman cancel
    ==== Other ====
  • Border Escape forwards: commitment: 30 -> 27 # = Cirno

=== Suwako ===
==== Normals ====

  • 5AA: hitstop: 10 -> 15
  • 5AAAA: forces knockdown
  • f.5A: no longer launches; hitstop 10 -> 15
  • 3A: startup 25 -> 15; can now cancel into any lilypad attack; will not launch foes
  • j.5A: total: 56 -> 52 # recovery -4
  • LA: No longer launches, hitstop 10 -> 15
  • L6A: launch vector changed to allow linking into underground attacks
  • 66A: startup -12
  • j.6A: linking hits: launch vector changed to allow linking into underground attacks
  • j.2A: startup 40 -> 25; bigger wallbounce
  • j.8A: untech 45 -> 60; tree has the same launch vector and damage as suwako's body
  • j.5B series: untech +15
  • j.6B series: untech +15
  • 6B: motion cancel: 34 -> 29; total: 65 -> 55
  • l6B: motion cancel: 49 -> 39; total: 65 -> 55
  • 5C bullet: activates instantly upon reaching the opponent; hitstop 0 -> 10; launches higher
  • 5C: motion cancel: startup -10, 39 -> 34; total: 74 -> 64
  • 5[c]: motion cancel: startup -10 54 -> 49; total: 89 -> 79
  • 6C: motion cancel: 48 -> 39; total: 84 -> 79
  • LC bullets: launches grounded enemies; foes hit are not sent away from suwako
  • LC, j5C: startup -6
  • LC: motion cancel: 43 -> 35; total: 82 -> 74
  • j.5C: motion cancel: 41 -> 33; total: 73 -> 65
    ==== Skills ====
  • Ancient Metal Ring: forces knockdown
  • Ancient Geyser: damage per hit: 200 -> 230
  • Lake of Great Earth: dives earlier (startup is the same); falling attack: groundbounces; splash: forces knockdown
  • Frog God: explodes instantly when opponent is close
  • Rain-Calling Frog: untech: 25 -> 45; hitstop + hit vector adjustment
  • Toad God: melee invincible at level 1; spellcard cancel removed; forces knockdown
  • Ms Longlimbs: becomes active on creation # soku 1.03, damage: 200 -> 240; consistent damage on all frames # bugfix; untech 45 -> 60
  • Stone Frog God: forces knockdown; can be cancelled into spellcards while recovering, changed hit vector to allow spellcard links; air versions: startup -9
  • Ancient Jade: becomes active as soon as the orbs emerge from the ground
  • Moriya God: startup: 20 -> 16 # soku 1.03
    ==== Spells ====
  • Moriya Clear Water: forces knockdown
  • Moriya's Metal Ring: forces knockdown
  • Master Longlimbs: forces knockdown
  • Red Frog of Houei 4: forces knockdown
  • Horrid River Jade: initial hitbox: increased size for easier linkings
    ==== Other ====
  • jD1/D2/D3: cancellable into airdashes and attacks
  • standing -> crouch: startup 14 -> 3 (hurtbox will not fully move until 14F of crouching)
  • crouch -> stand: startup 16 -> 3 (hurtbox will not fully move until 10F of standing)
贡献者: Tstar00