Unlimited mod简介
注意,此 mod 需要双方一起使用且版本相同
非想天则 Unlimited MOD 浅玩一下 紫和西瓜 (20220423 录播)
安装与使用 Unlimited Mod
1、 NextSokuLauncher.exe
放到和 th123.exe
2、 NextSoku文件夹
3、 接着把 NextSoku.dll
这个 mod 启用,并把 SOKU2 禁用,否则会有问题
4、 开启mod后保存配置,不要直接启动游戏,打开NextSokuLauncher.exe
在页面选择最下面那项 Unlimited ,右上方可选择机签,右下方 Options 的三个框全都不要勾选!

5、 启动成功的话,游戏标题栏会多一个[Unlimited 3.6.5] (开了giuroll的话会一闪而过)
6、 要切换回正常游戏只需要把 NextSoku.dll
这个 mod 禁用并用平常的方式启动游戏就OK
NextSokuLauncher.exe 打不开的话,先检查 DX 修复和 C++ 组件修复
Unlimited mod详细修改说明(版本 3.65)
- 取消 Limit 出圈限制
- 取消 Smash / Lift / 必杀取消 / SC取消 等伤害修正,虽然伤害面板上依然会显示,但是实际上没有进行伤害修正
- 所有招数都会有额外 18% 的伤害增益
- 所有招数都会有额外 10F 的追击时间
- 给角色增加了待机动画效果
- 取消链系统调整
- 有连点系近A的角色 可以在 第二下AA 之后用 2A 取消,即 连点AA -> 2A
(像 妖梦、灵梦、文 这种即为连点系近A角色;UU、高达、天子 这种不行;例外:小町 第一下近A 后可以用 2A 取消) - 没有连点系近A的角色 可以在 2A 之后用 近A 取消,即 2A -> 近A
(像 妖梦、灵梦、文 这种不行;UU、高达、天子 这种即为非连点系近A角色;例外:小町不可用 近A 取消 2A)
(注:妖梦既可以AA -> 1A也可以AA -> F2A,取决于按2A时的距离) - 近A连打的最后一下可以换成 3A 或 6A
- 近A连打的任何一下都可以被 B系弹幕 以上取消
- 有连点系近A的角色 可以在 第二下AA 之后用 2A 取消,即 连点AA -> 2A
已知的 Bug
- 龙星可能造成不同步(?
- 某些招数攻击是固定会出圈的(不影响游戏)
- 以及某些角色相关的bug,详情查看具体角色页
- 妖梦折服无间升级后帧数数据恢复为原版了
==== 普通技 ====
- 6D:最终的持续速度 8 -> 9(萃梦想水平)
- AAA:前进变快,不容易断连了
- AAAA:追击时间无限,新招数动作
- DA:全体:36F -> 34F(收招硬直 -2)
- DC:追击时间增加 40 -> 60
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
- J6A:追击时间无限,伤害 -50
- J2A:不打康也会弹地
- J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- 5B:移动取消: 29 -> 25; 发生: 15 -> 14 (与 2B, 6B 相同)
- 6B:移动取消: 28 -> 25 (与 2B 相同)
- 2B:弹幕可以全版移动 (与绯想天相同)
- C弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,命中hitstop增加 5 -> 10
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236 博丽护符:追击时间增加 30 -> 35,命中hitstop 5 -> 10,B版会在离灵梦更近的地方生成弹幕,C版则会在更远的地方生成弹幕
- 236改 妖怪破坏者:伤害增加 90 -> 120;命中后弹墙会旋转
- 原623 升天脚:B版追击时间无限,1级就有体术无敌,移除了打康的能力(依然可以被别人康);C版追击时间无限
- 623改 抄地升天脚:2hit:未挥空时,可以随意移动取消或出招取消(不能直接2hit后拉防);3hit:追击时间无限
- 623改 祈雨之仪:追击时间无限,挥空不可取消,伤害 300 -> 400,Rate修正 95% -> 96%,后坐力调整(版中更好用了)
- 原214 警醒阵:追击时间增加 40 -> 45;可以反射对手的弹幕;
(原文这么写的但是实际还是会被擦掉消失) - 214改 紧缚阵:追击时间增加 40 -> 45,发生 -10
- 214改 常置阵:追击时间增加 40 -> 45;地面攻击后不会将对手击飞
- 原421 亚空穴:B版不打康也可以弹地,C版收招硬直减少,不会击飞对手,命中可接后续(B版正防-5,C版正防-4,命中+14)
- 421改 刹那亚空穴:命中会击飞对手,追击时间无限,位移后可被康窗口-10,硬直+14(落地前动不了,不能防不能出招不能Dash,着地了也有15F硬直);B版空中地面启动体术无敌
- 421改 封魔亚空穴:B版启动瞬间即可当身体术,C版启动瞬间即可当身弹幕
==== SC符卡 ====
- 一卡 珠符「明珠暗投」:追击时间无限
- 二卡 灵符「梦想妙珠」:追击时间无限
- 二卡 宝符「阴阳宝玉」:追击时间无限
- 二卡 梦符「封魔阵」:启动没无敌了,可以大跳取消 (依然烂到爆)
- 三卡 结界「扩散结界」:追击时间无限,削灵 0.15 -> 0.25,伤害 500 -> 400,命中击飞向量调整
- 五卡 神灵「梦想封印」:不管远近的大小弹都是800伤害了
- 五卡 「梦想天生」:罗曼取消,超级加帧,7下激活后伤害降低(打满约 3500)但是削灵依然恐怖 (注意:rate打的太低会导致对手有机会受身)
==== 普通技 ====
- 飞翔/空中冲刺:新的贴图动画
- 远A:伤害都为450(修复两段判定伤害不一致的bug)
- AAA:前进变快,不容易断连了
- 6A:即使在空中,接触即可必杀技取消
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
- J6A、HJ6A、HJ2A:追击时间无限
- J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- J2A:发生加快 16 -> 13(等于J6A的发生速度)
- DA:现在是下择了,打蹲防
- DB:可被必杀技取消
- DC:不打康也会弹地
- B系弹幕:命中hitstop 5 -> 12,伤害 -50
- 6C:修正rate 98% -> 96.5%
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236:各种星星都为rate 96%
- 236改 绿光:激光线也带攻击判定了
- 236改 激光:移动取消加快,追击时间无限
- 原623升龙:延长无敌时间,不会再互康了;追击时间无限
- 623改 旋转扫把:体术判定,追击时间无限,着地前全程硬直,接触后可 SC 取消
- 623改 防空炮:判定增大
- 原214:追击时间无限
- 214改 星炮:追击时间无限,击飞向量调整
- 22改 魔废再利用炸弹:不会炸到魔理沙自己了
==== SC符卡 ====
- 一卡 星符「Meteoric Shower」:可以跳跃取消了
- 二卡 魔符「Stardust Reverie」 钻头:不会把对手击飞到背后了
- 二卡 光符「Luminous Strike」:追击时间无限
- 二卡 仪符「Orrery's Sun」:罗曼取消
- 三卡 星符「Escape Velocity」 大升龙:追击时间无限
- 三卡 星符「Gravity Beat」:伤害 3000 -> 1800
- 五卡 彗星「Blazing Star」:将对手向前击飞而不是向上
==== 普通技 ====
- AAAA:追击时间无限
- 2A:发生 -2
- 3A:击飞得更高
- 6A:发生 -2(F5A命中不康也可以直接接上6A了)
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
- J6A:追击时间无限,伤害 -50
- J2A:伤害 -100
- J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- DB:追击时间无限,可必杀取消
- DC:击飞角度调整,减少向前的量
- B弹幕:伤害 -10,Rate 95% -> 97%,追击时间增加 25 -> 35
- C弹幕:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236:追击时间无限
- 236改 离剑之见:丢出时静止的刀也有攻击判定,伤害增加 150 -> 200,追击时间增加 40 -> 45,削灵增加 0.125 -> 0.15
- 236改 绿刀:取消后刀不消失
- 原623:追击时间无限,空中版伤害 +100,攻击和着地硬直时可用 SC 取消
- 623改 星舞剑:B版 回灵冷却时间缩短 120 -> 60;C版 可以大跳取消了,身上的刀被打不消失,飞出的刀 blockstop 增加
- 623改 刀圈:攻击判定加快,攻击/移动取消加快 B版33 -> 29 C版38 -> 33,削灵 0.1 -> 0.15,增加 blockstop: 0 -> 5,收招硬直 -12
- 22改 当身:启动瞬间即可当身,收招硬直 +10,空中版不可取消
- 22改 分身:B版 发生 -6,收招硬直 -9,追击时间增加为 120,击飞角度调整更易于连段;C版 追击时间无限
==== SC符卡 ====
- 三卡 四卡 伤魂:追击时间无限
- 四卡 幻葬:发生 -10,每Hit伤害调整为 140
==== 普通技 ====
- AAA:第一Hit攻击判定增大,A连打不会断连了
- AAAA:新动作,追击时间无限
- 3A:新动作
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
- JAA:命中地面对手也会弹地了
- J6A:追击时间无限
- B弹幕:Hitstop 增加 5 -> 10
- C弹幕:伤害 120 -> 100,Rate 97% -> 98%
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236:追击时间无限
- 236改 爪子:B版第3Hit 追击时间无限;C版第3Hit Hitstop增加,击飞高度增加,便于后续连段
- 236改 魔术手:击飞弹墙旋转,便于后续连段
- 原623:追击时间无限
- 623改 吸血:发生加快 B版 33 -> 9,C版 38 -> 25;命中后续有利帧增加
- 623改 火箭炮:弹幕判定增大(可攻击地面对手),Hitstop增加 3 -> 25,Rate 93% -> 95%
- 214改 锁链:追击时间增加
- 214改 叉子:追击时间无限
- 原22:追击时间无限
- 22改 轰炸机:追击时间无限
- 22改 手里剑:发生加快 28 -> 20,跳跃取消加快 44 -> 22,Hitstop增加
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡 小夜王:发生加快为 10F(可4A接),追击时间无限,Rate 增加
- 二卡 小神枪:追击时间无限
- 三卡 小不夜:追击时间无限
- 四卡 大爪子:发生速度加快 81 -> 42,收招硬直 -30,击飞角度调整为弹地便于后续连段,追击时间无限,伤害 4250 -> 3500,调整为可防御
- 四卡 大神枪:追击时间无限
- 四卡 千年吸血鬼:罗曼取消,有利帧巨大
==== 普通技 ====
- AAA:提前向前位移,A连打不容易断连了
- 蓄力AAAA:伤害 1250 -> 1500,硬直 -12(正防 +3)
- 6A:追击时间无限
- 蓄力6A:追击时间无限,不可空防
- 2A:发生 -1
- 3A、JA、J2A:出招时扩展的受击判定绿框减少
- JA:追击时间增加 30 -> 35
- J6A:发生加快 15 -> 13,追击时间无限,攻击后降落得更快,消除着地硬直
- J2A:发生加快 21 -> 17,追击时间增加 50 -> 60
- J8A:持续帧减少 65 -> 56,追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- 2B:发生加快 16 -> 13
- B系:即使跳取消或出招取消,B人偶也不会消失;弹幕伤害 100 -> 90
- JB、J6B:后摇硬直增加
- C系:一局结束时若是爱丽丝自己胜利,场上设置的人偶不会消失
- 4C:移动取消加快 34 -> 28
- J2C:移动取消加快 28 -> 20
- 新增动作 J4C:移动取消 28F
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236:追击时间增加 50 -> 70
- 236改 伏兵:移动取消加快 43 -> 34
- 原623:人偶碰到对手时就会爆炸而不是着地后才爆炸;B版启动时体术无敌
- 623改 大江户:场上可同时存在多个人偶
- 原214:增加 Blockstop 0 -> 10
- 214改 千枪:追击时间无限,收招硬直 -6
- 214改 弓兵:追击时间无限,小爱不被击飞时不消失,移动取消加快 B版37 -> 29,C版 45 -> 37
- 原22:追击时间无限
- 22改 折射:所有等级的弹幕擦弹耐性都调整为[3, 5, 7, 9] -> 10
- 22改 SP:追击时间无限
==== SC符卡 ====
- 一卡 小炸弹:追击时间无限,发生加快 55 -> 45,伤害 2250 -> 1750
- 二卡 战符:削灵 0.75 -> 1
- 二卡 注力:追击时间无限,发生加快 地面版 22 -> 16,空中版 24 -> 18
- 二卡 上海人偶:追击时间无限,可跳跃取消
- 三卡 文乐:磨血伤害增加,爆炸伤害 500 -> 1500
- 四卡 荷兰人偶:发生 -14,收招硬直 -19
- 四卡 蓬莱人偶:追击时间无限,削灵 0.66 -> 1.33
- 四卡 大千枪:Rate 98% -> 98.5%
- 四卡 战符:发生加快 37 -> 24,Rate 95% -> 97%
- 五卡 旅鼠:伤害减少
==== 普通技 ====
- AAA:追击时间无限,防御削1灵,命中音效修改
- 6A:发生加快 2F,和 3A 一样快,击飞角度修改,可以弹地
- JA:追击时间 25 -> 30,Rate: 94% -> 95%
- J6A:追击时间无限,Rate: 87% -> 94%,击飞角度修改:对手被击飞的距离减少
- J2A:发生加快 20 -> 13,可以弹地
- J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- 5C:伤害 -50,追击时间增加 30 -> 45
- 2C:追击时间增加 45 -> 60,击飞角度修改:对手会被击飞得更高
- 6C:追击时间增加 25 -> 45
- DC:附加擦弹属性
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236火球:追击时间无限
- 236改火雾:Hitstop增加 10 -> 15,命中地面对手不会击飞了
- 236改火刀:可以自己取消自己,伤害增加 400 -> 500,命中地面对手不会击飞了
- 623改空气炮:发生加快 25 -> 18,命中对手后会垂直击飞,Rate 80% -> 95%,伤害 1200 -> 800
- 623改雷升:追击时间无限,1级就有体术无敌
- 原214:发生加快 9F,削灵增加 0.2 - > 0.3
- 214改齿轮:追击时间无限
- 214改悬剑:发生加快 23 -> 18,收招硬直减少 32 -> 8
- 421改绿石:追击时间无限
- 22改大水泡:移动取消 35 -> 27(和原22一样快),出招取消 35 -> 19(和空中版一样快)
- 22改小水泡:对手被小水泡命中时不能行动,小水泡会造成 50 伤害且追击时间无限,集满 10 个小水泡后的大泡泡会造成 1000 伤害,移动取消 35 -> 27(和原22一样快),出招取消 35 -> 19(和空中版一样快)
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡齿轮凹:追击时间无限,伤害 130 -> 150,Rate 98.5% -> 99%
- 三卡火金:伤害增加 2800 -> 3250,追击时间增加,将对手击飞得更高,收招硬直减少 10F
- 三卡火水柱:发生加快 24 -> 16
- 三卡日木圣光:全体 102 -> 78(减少收招硬直,和三卡酸雨一样快)
- 四卡绿石:收招硬直减少 10F
- 五卡日月环:追击时间无限
- 五卡贤者之石:追击时间无限
==== 普通技 ====
- AAAAA:对手被击飞的横向距离缩短,离妖梦越近
- 3A:新动作,类似2B向前上方对空体术
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,伤害 -100
- J6A:追击时间无限,伤害 -100
- J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- J2A:判定框横向加大,不打康也会弹地,可被必杀技级取消,修正增大 85% -> 78.5%
- DAA:发生 -6(打中可以直接接上DA DAA,打防DA DAA无缝),可被必杀技级取消
- B系弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,命中hitstop 10 -> 15,伤害 200 -> 150
- C系弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,命中hitstop 10 -> 15,空中命中对手时会让对手翻滚而不是强制站立(增大受击面积)
- 6C和J6C:追击时间无限,伤害 -100
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236 下届反射斩:升1级后反射盾会带攻击判定,伤害600,削1灵
- 236改 结跏趺斩:发生加快,移动取消加快,可以在空中使用(射程较短),2级后判定加大,4级后2hit攻击判定
- 原623 弦月斩:B版和C版第2hit 追击时间无限
- 623改 折服无间:
- 1级:启动 13 -> 9(可以连上1A/4A) 修正 63.2%
- 2级:启动 13(Bug,本来应该也是调到9的) 修正 68.2%
- 3级:启动 13(Bug,本来应该也是调到9的) 修正 73.2%
- 4级:启动 13(Bug,本来应该也是调到9的) 修正 80.7%
- 长按后续飞膝击飞向量调整更易于后续连段,追击时间无限,飞膝修正rate 95% (基本稳定接板边空连,至少3k+)
- 623改 炯眼剑:启动瞬间即可当身体术,收招硬直 +8
- 原214 生死流转斩:第3hit 不打康也会弹地(可接DA,623C,远A,远2A等)
- 214改 头上花剪斩:不打康也会弹地,可在空中使用
- 214改 心抄斩:发生加快 25 -> 17 (绯想天水平)
- 原22 凭依之缚:追击时间无限
- 22改 灵妙半身:命中地面对手不会击飞了
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡 魂符「幽明之苦轮」:后摇硬直 -6(相当于妖梦的有利帧 +6)
- 三卡 断命剑「冥想斩」:追击时间无限
- 三卡 剑技「樱花闪々」:击飞向量调整,不会原地抬升而吃不到后续hit,伤害 1000 -> 700
- 四卡 断迷剑「迷津慈航斩」:伤害 1200 -> 1000
- 四卡 断灵剑「成佛得脱斩」:追击时间无限
- 五卡 空观剑「六根清净斩」:启动完全无敌
- 五卡 魂魄「幽明求问持聪明之法」:罗曼取消,超级加帧
==== 普通技 ====
- AAA:不会击飞地面的对手
- AAAA:修改击飞角度:对手击飞的距离减少
- 3A:不会击飞地面的对手
- H3A:会击飞对手,二段(2 HIT)攻击
- H6A:攻击判定有效时附带擦弹属性
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
- J6A:追击时间无限
- B系弹幕:Rate 93% -> 95%
- C系弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 45
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236火箭:伤害减少
- 236改散弹:发生加快 4F,伤害增加 100,追击时间增加 40 -> 60,Rate 85% -> 95%,追击时间无限,命中姿势修改更利于连段
- 236改子母弹:移动取消加快 6F,不击飞对手,Rate 93% -> 99%
- 623改电光眼:B版启动无敌,不能SC取消;C版启动擦弹
- 原214激光:追击时间无限
- 214改扫描:扫描激光也带攻击判定
- 214改花环:追击时间无限
- 原22分身:发生加快 5F,Rate 93% -> 95%,B版分身射击同时即可行动,C版可跳取消或SC取消
- 22改分身斩:追击时间无限
==== SC符卡 ====
- 一卡花环:追击时间无限,伤害 600 -> 800,Rate 90% -> 93%,地面版收招硬直减少 18F,空中版发生加快 8F
- 一卡碎卡:追击时间无限
- 三卡碎卡:追击时间无限
- 三卡紫电光眼分身:启动无敌,追击时间无限
- 三卡国士无双:喝完4瓶后爆炸伤害 4500 -> 20000,全屏爆炸范围
- 三卡近眼火花:发生加快
- 五卡幻胧月睨:追击时间无限
==== 普通技 ====
- AAA:追击时间无限,伤害减少500
- 4A,F5A,DA:收招时的绿框扩展减少
- 6A:可弹地
- J6A,J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- J2A:追击时间无限,伤害减少50
- C系弹幕:追击时间增加 25 -> 30,Rate 93% -> 96%,修改击飞向量避免无限连
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236激光:追击时间无限
- 236凤纹蝶之枪:弹墙幅度增大,追击时间增加 20F,跳取消加快 12F
- 236改死还大地:伤害增加 50,追击时间增加 40 -> 50,Rate 93% -> 96%,修改击飞向量更利于连段,B版发生加快 23 -> 13,C版发生加快 33 -> 23
- 原623蝴蝶梦之舞:追击时间无限
- 623改逆屏:攻击判定增大,攻击判定生效时可反射弹幕
- 623改扇子:Rate 85% -> 94%,将对手击飞得更高,B版追击时间增加 40 -> 60;C版追击时间无限
- 421改诱灵的甘蜜:伤害增加 300 -> 350,生成的幽灵弹幕加大
- 421改空中投:伤害增加 300,小幽灵弹幕:磨灵增加,Hitstop 增加 5 -> 10
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡小凹蝶:追击时间无限
- 二卡小无寿:追击时间无限
- 四卡大无寿:伤害增加 3500 -> 4000,Rate 85% -> 40%
- 五卡大扇子:发生加快 10F
==== 其他 ====
- 地面6D冲刺的速度:8 -> 9 (和萃梦想一样快)
- 版边44穿版:启动时无敌
==== 普通技 ====
- AAA:Hitsotp 增加 10 -> 15(有利于AAA B的连段)
- AAAA:动作修改,追击时间无限
- 3A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
- J6A:追击时间无限,收招硬直减少 8F,前移加快
- J2A:攻击判定增大,只有挥空落地才有落地硬直
- J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- B系弹幕:伤害减少为 75,追击时间增加为 30F
- 2B:出招取消喝跳取消加快 31 -> 26,弹幕速度加快
- DB:发生加快 14 -> 13,伤害减少 50,可弹地
- C系弹幕:伤害减少为 275,追击时间增加为 45F,Rate 为 95%
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236墓碑:发动-5,命中弹地,伤害-500,B版生成得更靠近紫,期间按住4可以更近
- 236改诱饵:上位取消 37-> 22; 移动取消 37 -> 32,总体帧数 ground: 67 -> 59; air: 75 -> 67,削灵 0.5 -> 1,并不会把人击飞; hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 0 -> 15
- 236改青山:弹墙幅度更大
- 623改知能:B版发动-5,防御blockstop 0 -> 10; C版发动-15
- 623改万伞:蓄力未脱手时可命中,发射出去后的弹幕:追击时间 45 -> 60
- 214改宇宙:hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 10 -> 15; 命中后把对手朝上击飞, 追击时间无限
- 原421:B版弹墙幅度更大,C版命中弹地
- 421改魔眼:削灵: 0.5 -> ,追击时间 40 -> 60, Rate 92% -> 98%; 只能同时存在一个C版魔眼于场上
- 421改分解机:紫出现时带擦弹, B版底下移动速度: 6 -> 8; C版降落时可取消; 每级的出地延迟: [20, 16, 12, 5] -> [16, 13, 10, 5]
==== SC符卡 ====
- 一卡二次元与三次元的境界:发动-14,Rate 100%,削灵 0.5 -> 0.25,追击时间无限
- 一卡橙:往斜下扔而不是往斜上扔,Rate 80% -> 90%, 削灵 0.25,追击时间无限
- 二卡诱饵:不会把人击飞,hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 0 -> 15
- 三卡蓝:Rate 92% -> 99%,追击时间无限
- 三卡客观结界:追击时间无限
- 三卡飞光虫:追击时间大幅增加
- 四卡魔眼:追击时间无限,Rate 99%
- 三卡四重结界:弹墙幅度更大,可接后续
- 五卡列车:击飞改变,可稳接4HIT,伤害-500
==== 普通技 ====
- AAA:跨步更早,不容易断连了,且可以弹幕取消
- AAAA:追击时间无限
- F5A:发生 17 -> 15; 持续 4 -> 6, 收招时的扩展受击判定减少
- HF5A:收招时的扩展受击判定减少
- 新招数 H2A:弹幕攻击,可被擦,必杀技取消,防御削1灵
- 3A:发生 19 -> 17
- 6A:发生 18 -> 17
- JA:追击时间 25 -> 30; 伤害 -100
- J2A:攻击判定和角度调整为更适合版中连段
- J6A:追击时间无限,伤害-200
- J8A:追击时间 45 -> 60
- DA:两段全是中段,每次错防削1灵
- DB:招数替换成了萃梦想里的 D3A,中段,发生 18 -> 17
- 6B:追击时间 30 -> 45; 伤害 -200
- 2B:改成下段,普通命中也会弹地,追击时间 60 -> 45,Rate 85% -> 75%
- H2B:持续帧 2 -> 4,弹地高度增加
- 6C和J6C:碰到版边会反弹回来(和萃梦想一样)
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236瓜拳:追击时间无限,B版0级时出手后拥有7F霸体;C版启动时拥有霸体直到出手
- 236改元鬼:追击时间无限
- 214改厌雾:发生 27 -> 8, 一旦萃香现身就可以取消
- 236改屁股蹲:命中就会弹地,下降时也带攻击判定,中段
- 原623头槌:追击时间无限
- 623改捶地:取消体术判定,但是可以移动取消
- 22改黑洞投:启动带霸体,B版发生为 15F,C版发生 -10F
==== SC符卡 ====
- 一卡雾:硬直 -20,blockstop 3 -> 10
- 二卡石头:追击时间无限
- 二卡大鬼凹:追击时间无限
- 二卡锁链:持续 3 -> 15,Rate 100%
- 三卡三拳:追击时间无限
- 四卡大鬼:
- 前走:第一帧就有攻击判定
- 站立时后摇的角:追击时间无限
- 跳跃:追击时间无限,速度和普通跳跃一样快
- 降落着地时:和普通落地一样快
- A:追击时间无限,弹墙幅度更大
- B:命中时弹地
- C:硬直减少
- JA:追击时间无限,弹墙幅度更大
- JB:命中时弹地
- JC:追击时间无限
- 四卡锁链:伤害 0 -> 1500,持续 3 -> 15,Rate 100%
- 五卡大江山:伤害 6.2k -> 4.5k,发生 12 -> 3 (SC暗转前就会命中所以无法反应)
==== 普通技 ====
- AAAA:新动作,追击时间无限
- 3A:击飞向量改变,可以接后续
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
- J6A:追击时间无限
- J2A:必杀技取消,攻击判定增大,命中时弹地,发生 = 13,落地硬直 = 14,伤害 -100,Rate 90% -> 79%,追击时间 60 -> 45
- J8A:追击时间 45 -> 60
- C系列弹幕:追击时间 45 -> 60
- 6C:追击时间 40 -> 50, Rate 85% -> 90%
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原214疾走风靡:追击时间无限,C版命中对手时可随意取消
- 214改疾走优美:追击时间无限
- 214改倒树:不再发射弹幕只能移动,移动后即可用其他招数取消
- 236改烈风扇:攻击判定扩大,将对手横向击飞且可弹墙,伤害+100
- 236改枫扇风:攻击判定更靠近文,命中硬直更大,Rate 93% -> 98%
- 421改镰风:不取消的话就不会消失
- 421改天狗砾:B版发生-11,移动取消-8;C版和空中的B/C版:发生-10;削灵 0.1 -> 0.25; blockstop 2 -> 8; hitstop 5 -> 10, Rate = 100%, 追击时间 = 40
- 22改太鼓:
- 第一HIT:追击时间无限
- A后续:追击时间无限
- B后续:不弹地
- C后续:追击时间无限
- 22改Down Burst:攻击判定扩大
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡天狗报:罗曼取消
- 二卡天狗道的开风:弹墙幅度更大
- 三卡Macro Burst:修正减少
- 四卡禁制:石头修正减少,追击时间增加,hitstop 增加
==== 其他 ====
- 修改了受击时的判定,就不会被UU地面2B 2C无限连
==== 普通技 ====
- 4A和近A:变成中段
- AAA:招数新动作
- AAAA:hitstop 增加
- F5A:追击时间无限,发生 15 -> 13; 全体 57 -> 47,扩展受击判定减少
- 3A:Rate 80% -> 85%, 追击时间 45 -> 50
- H3A:追击时间无限
- JA:追击时间 25 -> 30,全体 46 -> 40
- J6A:追击时间无限,挥空也没有落地硬直,移除贴身攻击盲点(和绯想天一样),全体 69 -> 57
- J2A:小町前方的扩展受击判定移除
- DC:追击时间无限
- 2B:发生 21 -> 17,移动取消 28 -> 24(和绯想天一样)
- C 弹幕:场上可同时存在多个C弹幕,追击时间 45 -> 60
- JC:落地时一定会等到弹幕释放
- 2C:追击时间无限
- 6C J6C J2C:追击时间 45 -> 60,弹幕相杀 C3 -> B1
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236:发生-2,击飞地面上的对手
- 236改逆灵:追击时间无限
- 236改大镰:地面B/C版和空中B版的追击时间无限
- 原623:弹幕生成时就带攻击判定
- 623改死风:可反射弹幕,追击时间无限
- 623改船:小町跳下船时可随意行动
- 原22换位:B版启动时体术无敌,收招硬直-20,不可SC取消;C版启动时擦弹,收招硬直-20
- 22改超渡:蓄力时带霸体,收招硬直-5
- 22改无间:命中击飞方向修正为向下,B版发生 17F,C版发生 31F,蓄力C版生成在对手脚下
- 214改离魂:每个灵的回血量 15 -> 45,不会把对手击飞得很高;每个灵爆炸时削灵 0.125 -> 0.5, 伤害 300 -> 600, Rate 94% -> 96%;B版发生 24 -> 20, 移动取消 52 -> 32; C版发生 36 -> 32,移动取消 64 -> 44;
==== SC符卡 ====
- 一卡灵:追击时间无限,可移动取消
- 一卡船:命中后弹墙可接后续,硬直减少,修正减少
- 三卡无间:第一HIT体术会弹地,后续柱子会打倒地
- 三卡八重雾:发生-30
- 四卡区别死者之镰:命中后弹地,伤害 4000 -> 3500
- 四卡生魂流离之镰:启动无敌,伤害减少
- 五卡半命:第一HIT就造成 1000 伤害,后续再扣半命
==== 普通技 ====
- AA:上段变中段
- AAA:中段变下段
- AAAA:追击时间无限,改成特射属性,防御削1灵,hitstop 5 -> 10
- 6A:追击时间无限
- JA:追击时间 25 -> 30
- J6A:追击时间无限
- DB:可用必杀技取消
- 6C弹幕:伤害 300 -> 250,追击时间 45 -> 50,Rate 92% -> 96.5%
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236硬钻:追击时间无限
- 236改龙鱼得水:可用任意招数取消
- 原623羽衣若水:追击时间无限,B版防御效果从启动直到出现攻击判定但不可SC取消
- 原214静电诱导弹:追击时间无限
- 623改羽衣若风:反射盾也带攻击判定;B版向上发射,伤害 600,削 0.5 灵;C版向前发射,伤害 800,削 1 灵
- 原22龙鱼愤怒:发生 -4,磨血稍微减少,追击时间无限,顶端判定会把人往下击飞
==== SC符卡 ====
- 一卡羽衣若时:追击时间无限,启动后的硬直时间内可拉防,击飞向量修改得以接后续,地面攻击伤害 500 -> 700,空中攻击伤害 200 -> 300
- 三卡钻头:追击时间无限
- 三卡静电龙宫:追击时间无限
- 四卡五爪鱼:追击时间无限
- 五卡游泳弹:追击时间无限,不会把对手击飞得太高
==== 普通技 ====
- AAA:追击时间无限
- F5A:命中空中对手会弹地而不是击倒,追击时间 45 -> 30
- 3A和H3A:追击时间无限
- H6A:持续时间帧内霸体,持续帧+5,全体不变,伤害+100,命中音效修复
- JA:追击时间 25 -> 30,全体-3
- J6A:追击时间无限,持续帧 13 -> 15,全体-3
- J2A:命中后弹地,发生 20 -> 14,落地硬直 29 -> 23,Rate 85% -> 80%
- J8A:追击时间 45 -> 60
- DB:不会把人击飞了
- B系列小石头:伤害 150 -> 125
- C系列弹幕:追击时间 45 -> 60
==== 必杀技 ====
- 236改剑气:第一下挥舞是体术
- 236改天地之压:追击时间无限,削 1 灵,改为了体术(?存疑,可能还是特射,我没试);B版最快释放速度 12 -> 6,C版最快释放速度 18 -> 12
- 623改升天突:追击时间无限,体术无敌时间覆盖持续帧,B版伤害 1000 -> 1200,C版伤害 1000 -> 1250,空中使用后可在硬直结束后移动
- 214改回旋镖:回到手里后没有硬直,hitstop 增加,改变对手被命中的动作,每 HIT 伤害 200 -> 250,削灵 0.125 -> 0.25
- 22改守护的要石:生成时围绕在天子周围的石头有攻击判定,发生+50,灵力停止时间 120 -> 60,C版发射出去的石头擦弹耐性无限
- 22改地精的起床:发生加快,丢出去时的伤害增加且弹地,地震不会把人击飞
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡石头:追击时间无限
- 二卡封印:命中后可取消
- 三卡乱砍:招数动作改变
- 三卡绯想天促:追击时间无限
- 四卡天启:无天气时使用,伤害 800 -> 1000, 削灵 1.25 -> 2.5,击飞向量和有天气时一样;有天气时使用,伤害 800 -> 1000, 削灵 2.5 -> 5
- 四卡霸体:罗曼取消
- 五卡地震:地震准备时间 120F,硬直-21(和C版六震一样),可防御,下段特射,全正防也削3灵
- 五卡绯想天:发生 41 -> 31, Rate 98% -> 95%
==== 普通技 ====
- AAAA:追击时间无限
- 6A:命中后弹地
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
- J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- J6A:追击时间无限
- J2A:命中后可立即取消
- DC:第一HIT Rate 100%
- B系列弹幕: hitstop 5 -> 15; blockstop = 2
- 5B和J5B:改变弹幕生成的位置,会前后围绕早苗
- 新招数 H2C HJ2C:普通 2C 生成五颗星弹,蓄力 2C 生成七颗
- 6C和J6C:追击时间无限,一旦神奈子消失就会立即回满CD
- 4C和J4C:追击时间增加 45 -> 60,一旦诹访子消失就会立即回满CD
- J4C:发生 37 -> 31,移动取消 -10
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原623妈突:追击时间无限,CD比原版减少25%
- 623改妈风:CD比原版减少25%
- 623改妈柱:失去无敌属性,伤害减少,可以跳取消了,CD比其他623减少50%,命中弹地,追击时间无限
- 所有214青蛙:CD比原版减少50%
- 214改铁轮:不可擦弹
- 原22抽签炸弹:大吉的追击时间无限
- 22改水蛙:不会把对手击飞
- 22改白蛇:B版发生 33 -> 23,移动取消 28 -> 26;C版发生 33 -> 93,移动取消 28 -> 30(蛇弹幕在早苗背后生成)
- 236改星落:弹幕扩大
- 236改起浪:发生加快
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡祈运:硬直减少,可接后续
- 二卡抽签炸弹:丢出四个签前早苗保持擦弹状态,所有攻击都追击时间无限,大凶伤害增加
- 二卡仪式:追击时间无限
- 三卡星落:发生加快,硬直减少,追击时间增加
- 四卡红星凹:发生加快 25 -> 19
- 五卡大开海:伤害-1000,Rate 90%
==== 普通技 ====
- F5A:追击时间增加 35 -> 45
- 删除招数 AAA6A 和 AAA3A
- JA:追击时间增加 25 -> 30
- J2A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- J6A:追击时间无限
- J8A:硬直-15,追击时间增加 60 -> 90
- DB:霸体 10 -> 20,追击时间增加 45 -> 60,硬直 +12
- 5B:hitstop 0 -> 10
- 6B:hitstop 0 -> 10
- 2B: 追击时间增加 45 -> 50
- C弹幕:hitstop 5 -> 10
- 6C: blockstop 0 -> 5
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236芳波:B版发生 28 -> 24,C版发生 59 -> 31,击飞向量修改更容易接后续
- 236改水型:吸收盾带攻击判定,B版发生 4 -> 12,C版发生 4 -> 20
- 236改彩雨:B版发生 21 -> 20,C版和空中C版发生都变成 24且旋转时向前移动,hitstop 0 -> 10,追击时间增加
- 原214螺光步:发生-7,追击时间无限
- 214改烈虹拳:弹幕部分伤害 50 -> 100
- 原623红炮:BC版硬直-7,追击时间 60F,Rate 85%
- 623改红寸劲:攻击判定扩大
- 623改虎劲:可以任意取消
- 原22黄震脚:命中后击飞对手可接后续,追击时间增加 45 -> 60,Rate 95% -> 92%
- 22改地龙波:击飞得更高,Rate 85% -> 90%
- 22改天龙脚:BC版都追击时间无限且攻击持续帧内带擦弹
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡欧拉:硬直减少,hitstop 增加,击飞高度增加,后续可接F5A和2B
- 三卡小球:发生加快,可4A接;硬直减少,不会击飞地面上的对手,对空中对手的击飞也减轻,每 HIT 削灵 0.2 -> 0.25
- 三卡大鹏:Rate 75% -> 85%
- 四卡猛虎:罗曼取消
- 五卡大鹏:前两HIT Rate 100%,第三HIT Rate 75%
- 五卡大球:弹墙幅度增大,更容易接后续
==== 其他 ====
- 6DD责任: 27 -> 25(全角色一般都是25)
==== 普通技 ====
- AAA:hitstop +5
- AAAA:新招数动作,追击时间无限
- F5A:hitstop +5
- 6A:发生加快 21 -> 17(和3A一样快)
- 3A:击飞向量修改,可接后续
- JA:追击时间 25 -> 30
- J6A:硬直-7,追击时间无限
- J2A:每HIT Rate 94% -> 95%
- J8A:硬直-4,追击时间 45 -> 60
- DB:硬直-4,可必杀取消
- DC:击飞向量修改
- 5B弹幕:hitstop 0 -> 10
- 6B:发生 18 -> 15,移动取消 34 -> 30
- 2B和J2B:移动取消 30, 33 -> 23
- 5C:追击时间无限
- 6C:hitstop 10 -> 20; 追击时间 35 -> 40, 每HIT削灵 0.125 -> 0.25
- 2C:蓄力越久尺寸越大,伤害越高
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原236冰锥:追击时间无限,B版发生 24 -> 20,C版发生 35 -> 31(都和空中版一样快)
- 236改陷阱:被打不消失,削灵 0.5 -> 1,击飞得更高,移动取消B版 39 -> 35;C版 47 -> 43
- 236改射线:B版角度较小,C版角度较大,1HIT变成了3HIT,伤害150,Rate 96%,移动取消 40 -> 36
- 原214雪球:追击时间无限,发生 17 -> 11
- 214改头槌:追击时间无限,一级就可以空中使用
- 214改踢:可以控制下落
- 原623:追击时间无限,发生-5
- 623改转剑:击飞向量修改易于连段,追击时间增加
- 623改冰刺:伤害 150 -> 200,追击时间 45 -> 60
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡冰锥:可大跳取消
- 二卡转圈:硬直减少,修复落地时无限旋转的bug
- 三卡射线:追击时间无限
- 三卡制冰:罗曼取消
- 三卡喷头:弹幕的击退减少,blockstop: 0 -> 5; speed: 4.5 -> 3, 发生 36 -> 26; 全体 68 -> 55
- 三卡踢:发生-28,修复使用耗灵的bug,打防或命中后可随意取消
- 五卡完美冻结:追击时间无限
- 五卡大冰锤:普通命中时弹地
- 6DD责任: 30 -> 27
==== 普通技 ====
- 空中冲刺:新动作
- AAA:新动作
- AAAA:新动作,追击时间增加,击飞向量修改
- 2A:对手被命中后的动作修改
- JA:硬直-9
- J6A:追击时间无限,取消额外的受击判定
- J2A:发生 20 -> 14,调整攻击判定,命中后弹地,命中音效修改
- J8A:追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- B弹幕: hitstop 5 -> 14
- 6B弹幕:带 Lift 修正,追击时间增加 25 -> 45,攻击等级 中等 -> 大
- C弹幕:追击时间 +25
- 6C弹幕:伤害 150 -> 120
- 2C:取消额外的受击判定
- DC:第二HIT可随意取消
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原22太阳:伤害减少,Rate减少,追击时间无限
- 22改火柱:追击时间无限,击飞高度降低,持续+26
- 22改波动炮:追击时间无限,hitstop 20F,移动取消-5,持续+10
- 原623:击飞向量修改
- 623改飞机:LV2的额外6F攻击的追击时间无限
- 623改足浴:可以投到荷叶青蛙,修复不耗灵的bug
- 原236扫地:发生 56 -> 41,移动取消: 53, 58 -> 37
- 236改光刀:带smash修正,命中弹墙,追击时间增加,伤害 400 -> 450,硬直-6
- 214改怨灵:瞄准对手发射而不是瞄准高达自己
==== SC符卡 ====
- 一卡人造太阳:发生-5
- 三卡小核炮:发生-6,硬直-61
- 三卡光刀:发生-21,硬直-10
- 三卡面包圈:追击时间无限
- 四卡十凶星:发生 37 -> 31,伤害减少
- 四卡核炎井:伤害减少
- 四卡地底太阳:硬直-88
- 四卡飞机:击飞向量和击飞动作修改
- 五卡大核炮:伤害减少
- 五卡自爆:罗曼取消
==== 其他 ====
- J1D/J2D/J3D:可用空中冲刺和空中招数取消
- 切换荷叶姿态帧数:14 -> 3(但是判定框还是需要14F才会变化)
==== 普通技 ====
- AA: hitstop 10 -> 15
- AAAA:追击时间无限
- F5A:不把人击飞,hitstop 10 -> 15
- 3A:不把人击飞,可用荷叶招数取消,发生 25 -> 15
- JA:硬直-4
- LA:不把人击飞,hitstop 10 -> 15
- L6A:击飞向量修改,可接钻地招数
- DA:发生-12
- J6A:击飞向量修改,可接钻地招数
- J2A:弹墙幅度增大,发生 40 -> 25
- J8A:树的伤害和击飞与青蛙本体的HIT一样,追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- B系列小水弹和6B铁轮:追击时间+15
- 6B:移动取消 34 -> 29,全体 65 -> 55
- L6B:移动取消 49 -> 39,全体 65 -> 55
- 5C水柱:一旦接近对手就会触发,击飞得更高, hitstop 0 -> 10,发生-10,移动取消 39 -> 34,全体 74 -> 64
- H5C:发生-10,移动取消 54 -> 49,全体 89 -> 79
- 6C:移动取消 48 -> 39,全体 84 -> 79
- L5C弹幕:会击飞地面对手,但不会击飞得更远而丢连段
- L5C:发生-6,移动取消 43 -> 35,全体 82 -> 74
- J5C:发生-6,移动取消 41 -> 33,全体 73 -> 65
==== 必杀技 ====
- 原623蛤蟆:LV1后体术无敌,不可SC取消,追击时间无限
- 623改铁轮:追击时间无限
- 623改长手长脚:一旦生成就有攻击判定,伤害 200 -> 240,追击时间增加 45 -> 60
- 原214水柱:每HIT伤害 200 -> 230
- 214改水蛙:一靠近对手就立即爆炸
- 214改喷水:击飞向量修改,hitstop增加,追击时间增加 25 -> 45
- 原236大地之湖:发生不变但是跳跃提早,下降时的攻击会弹地,地面攻击追击时间无限
- 236改翡翠:翡翠玉一从地里刷新就有攻击判定
- 236改蛙石神:空中版发生-9,追击时间无限,硬直期间可SC取消,击飞向量修改
- 原22作祟:发生 20 -> 16
==== SC符卡 ====
- 二卡清水:追击时间无限
- 二卡铁轮:追击时间无限
- 三卡长手长脚:追击时间无限
- 四卡赤蛙:追击时间无限
- 四卡川:第一HIT攻击判定增大
Unlimited 英文Wiki说明: https://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/User:Tessiro#The_Soku_Instrumentality_Project
NextSoku 英文Wiki说明: https://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/User:Yumeko/NextSoku
= Changelist =
Current version: Soku Unlimited ver. 3.6.5
=== Universal ===
- Limit system removed
- "Rift Attack" corrected to "Lift Attack"
- Extra proration on lift/smash/skills/spells are removed. They will still show up on the HUD, but will not affect damage
- All moves will prorate by an extra 18%
- All moves have untech increased by 10 more than their listed values
- characters will perform special actions after standing idle for a certain amount of time (purely aesthetic)
- Cancel system revamped
** Characters that repeat their jab for the second hit of dial a can cancel it into 2A
** Characters without rapid attacks can cancel 2A into 5A (Komachi can cancel 5A into 2A)
** Dial A enders can be replaced with 3a/6a in chains
** All parts of dial A can be cancelled into bullets/skills
=== Known bugs ===
- Dragon Star may cause desync
- Some moves are hard coded to force limit and will induce it despite it being disabled
=== Reimu ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: earlier forward step # less dial a drops
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown; new animation
- 3A: consistent parameters: damage: 750; proration: 85%; untech: 45 # bugfix
- 66A: duration: 36 -> 34 # recovery -2 # soku 1.03
- 66C: untech 40 -> 60
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.6A: forces knockdown; damage -50
- j.2A: causes groundbounce
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- 5B: motion cancel: 29 -> 25; startup: 15 -> 14 # = 2B, 6B
- 6B: motion cancel: 28 -> 25 # = 2B
- 2B: bullet: reaches all the way across the stage # SWR
- C bullets: untech: 25 -> 30, hitstop 5 -> 10
==== Skills ====- - Hakurei Amulet: untech: 30 -> 35, hitstop 5 -> 10, B version (air and ground): spawns close to reimu; C version (air and ground): spawns far from reimu
- Youkai Buster: damage 90 -> 120; bigger wallbounce
- Ascension Kick: B version: forces knockdown, counter hit property removed, gains melee invincibility at level 1; C version: forces knockdown
- Sliding Ascension Kick: 2nd hit: cancellable into anything; 3rd hit: forces knockdown
- Rain Dance: damage: 300 -> 400; proration: 95% -> 96%, pushback vector modified # midscreen hits work better, cannot be canceled on whiff; forces knockdown
- Cautionary Border: untech: 40 -> 45; cannot be diffused by grazing; reflects projectiles
- Binding Border: untech: 40 -> 45; startup -10
- Permanent Border: untech: 40 -> 45, launch vector modifed # better follow-up options
- Dimensional Rift: B version: ground bounces; C version: recovery reduced, allows combos on hit
- Instant Dimensional Rift: can activate from startup, counter window -10, recovery +14
- demon sealing dimensional rift: B version: melee invincible on startup; C version: grazes on startup, cannot be HJC'd or cancelled into spellcards
==== Spells ==== - Concealed Orbs of Light: forces knockdown
- Ying Yang Orb: forces knockdown
- Fantasy Orb: forces knockdown
- Demon Binding Array: no longer a reversal, now high jump cancellable
- Fantasy Orb: consistent damage: 350
- Fantasy Seal: consistent damage: 800
- Fantasy Heaven: activation: acts as a roman cancel; attack: no longer causes instant KO (~3500 damage)
- Expanding Boundary: spirit damage: 0.15 -> 0.25, forces knockdown, damage 500 -> 400, launch vector changed # hits link more reliably, does more damage
- Fantasy Seal: forces knockdown
- Dash: speed: 8 -> 9 # iamp
=== Marisa ===
==== Normals ====
- Flight/Airdash: New animation
- f.5A: consistent damage: 450 # bugfix
- 6A: skill cancellable at any time after it hits/is blocked
- 5AAA: earlier forward step # less dial a drops
- 66A: block direction mid -> low
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.6A: forces knockdown
- j.6[A]: forces knockdown
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- j.2A: startup 16 -> 13 # j.6A
- j.2[A]: forces knockdown
- 66B: now skill cancellable
- B bullets: hitstop 5 -> 12, damage -50
- 6C bullet: proration 98% -> 96.5%
- 66C: groundbounces
==== Skills ==== - Meteonic Debris: consistent proration: 96% # bugfix; forces knockdown
- Green Spread: lasers have a hitbox on creation; explosion: forces knockdown, bigger wallbounce
- Miasma Sweep: forces knockdown, will no longer trade
- Narrow Spark: forces knockdown; hjc -6, launches higher
- Witch Leyline: forces knockdown
- Radial Strike: forces knockdown, launch vector modified # better wallbounce
- Up Sweeper: melee, forces knockdown, marisa cannot move until she touches the ground, spell-cancellable if it hits
- Stellar Missile: size increased
- Magical Reusable Bomb: cannot hit marisa
==== Spells ==== - Metoric Shower: can be high jump cancelled
- Stardust Reverie: hit animation modified # always sends foes in front of marisa
- Escape Velocity: forces knockdown
- Orrieries Sun: acts as a roman cancel
- Luminous Strike: forces knockdown
- Blazing Star: hit animation changed # blasts forwards instead of up
- Gravity Beat: damage: 3000 -> 1800
=== Sakuya ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown
- 2A: startup -2
- 3A: launches higher
- 6A: startup -2 # combos from f.5A
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.6A: forces knockdown, damage -50
- j.2A: damage: 900 -> 800
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- B bullets: damage 100 -> 90, proration 95% -> 97%, untech 25 -> 35
- 66B: forces knockdown; now skill cancellable
- C bullets: untech 45 -> 60
- 66C: different hit angle (less forwards)
==== Skills ==== - Sense of Thrown Edge: stationary knives can damage enemies; untech: 40 -> 45 # = 6C, damage: 150 -> 200, spirit damage: 0.125 -> 0.15 # magic star sword
- Crossup Magic: forces knockdown; air versions: damage +100, can be cancelled into spells during the attack and during land recovery
- Parallel Brain: knives remain on cancel
- Propelling Silver: ring can hit while forming; attack+motion cancel: b: 33 -> 29; c: 38 -> 33, spirit damage: 0.1 -> 0.15; blockstop: 0 -> 5; recovery -12
- Magic Star Sword: forces knockdown
- Dancing Star Sword: setup animation: spirit regeneration delay: 120 -> 60; orbiting knives stay until she is launched
- Dancing Star Sword: activation: high jump cancellable; thrown knives: easier to combo with, more blockstun
- Perfect Maid: can counter from the start, recovery +10, air versions cannot be cancelled on whiff
- Time Paradox: B version: recovery -9, startup -6, damage = 800/500, untech = 120, launch vector modified # can be followed by aerial attacks
- Time Paradox: C version: forces knockdown
==== Spells ==== - Inscribed Red Soul: forces knockdown
- Soul Sculpture: forces knockdown
- Phantasmic Killer: startup -10, damage per hit = 140
=== Remilia ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: first hit: hitbox size increased (fixes dial A drops)
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown; hit sfx adjusted; new animation
- 3A: new animation
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.5AA: ground bounce on standing characters # prevents infinite loop
- j.6A: forces knockdown
- B bullets: hitstop: 5 -> 10
- C bullets: proration = 97% -> 98%, damage = 120 -> 100
==== Skills ==== - Demon Lord Walk: forces knockdown
- Vampire Claw: B version ender: forces knockdown; C version ender: hitstop increased, launch height increased # allows followup combo
- Chain Gang: more untech
- Demon's Dinner Fork: forces knockdown
- Rocket Kick Upper: hitbox size increased # able to hit enemies on the ground, hitstop 3 -> 25, proration 93% -> 95%
- Vampire Kiss: B version: startup 33 -> 9; C version: startup 38 -> 25, more recovery on hit
- Demon Lord Cradle: forces knockdown
- Trickster Devil: bigger wallbounce; allows followup combos
- Demon's Dinner Fork: forces knockdown
- Ceiling Fear: forces knockdown
- stigmatizer: startup 28 -> 20, hjc 44 -> 22, more hitstop
==== Spells ==== - Demon King Cradle: startup reduced (links from 4A # 5Card cradle); proration increased, more untech
- Heart Break: forces knockdown
- red the nightless castle: forces knockdown
- Remilia Stretch: blockable, damage 4250 -> 3500. startup -39, recovery -30 launch vector changed # groundbounces
- Demon King Cradle: startup reduced (links from 4A # 5Card cradle)
- Spear The Gungir: forces knockdown
- Millenium Vampire: acts as a roman cancel
=== Alice ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: earlier forward step # less dial a drops
- 5AAA[A]: damage 1250 -> 1500, recovery -12 (+3 on block)
- 6A: forces knockdown
- 6[A]: forces knockdown; air unblockable
- 2A: startup -1
- 3A, j.5A, j.2A: startup: hurtbox extension reduced
- j.5A: untech 30 -> 35
- j.6A: falls faster after using; landing recovery removed, forces knockdown, startup: 15 -> 13
- j.2A: startup: 21 -> 17, untech 50 -> 60
- j.8A: duration: 65 -> 56 # recovery -9; untech 45 -> 60
- 2B: startup: 16 -> 13
- B series: damage 100 -> 90, will fire even if canceled by a high jump, skill or c bullet
- j.5B, j.6B: recovery increased
- C series: not cleared if alice wins the round
- 4C: motion cancel: 34 -> 28 # = doll arrangement
- j.2C: motion cancel: 28 -> 20 # = jc and j.6C
- j.4C: added; motion cancel: 28 # = j.2C before the fix
==== Skills ==== - Doll Placement: untech 50 -> 70
- Volatile Doll: B version: melee invulnerable on startup; both versions: dolls will explode on contact with enemy instead of the ground
- Edo High-Explosive Pawn: can have multiple instances
- Thousand Spear Dolls: B version: recovery -6; C version: recovery -6; forces knockdown vs. air
- Doll Archers: B version: motion cancel: 37 -> 29; C version: motion cancel: 45 -> 37, arrows stay when alice flinches # soku 1.03; forces knockdown
- Doll Ambush: motion cancel: 43 -> 34
- Doll Arrangement: blockstop per hit: 0 -> 10
- Seeker Wire: graze resistance by level: [3, 5, 7, 9] -> 10
- Doll Activation: forces knockdown
- SP Doll: forces knockdown
==== Spells ==== - Hourai Doll: untech: 60 -> 9999; spirit damage: 0.66 -> 1.33 # full card
- Holland Doll: startup -14; recovery -19
- Little Legion: spirit damage: ~0.75 -> ~1.0 # full card
- Trip Wire: untech: dolls: forces knockdown, startup: ground: 22 -> 16; air: 24 -> 18
- Artful Sacrifice: startup: 55 -> 45; damage: 2250 -> 1750; forces knockdown
- Futuristic Puppet: more chip damage; explosion damage: 500 -> 1500
- Shanghai Doll: untech: 60 -> 6000; motion cancelable
- Cute Phalanx: proration per hit: 98% -> 98.5%
- Dolls War: proration: 95% -> 97%, startup: 37 -> 24, extended recovery period if it doesn't connect
- Lemmings Parade: damage reduced
==== Other ==== - Spirit Regeneration: delay after using skills: 120 -> 75
- Border Escape Forwards: extended hurtbox behind alice removed
=== Patchouli ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: forces knockdown, ungrazable bullet that deals 1 orb on block, hit sfx modified
- 6A: startup -2 # 3A ; hit vector changed: causes groundbounce
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30, proration: 94% -> 95%
- j.6A: proration: 87% -> 94%, launch vector: opponent stays closer to patchouli, forces knockdown
- j.2A: groundbounces, startup 20 -> 13
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- 2C: launch vector: bounces higher; untech: 45 -> 60
- 5C bullets: untech 30 -> 45, damage -50
- 6C series: untech 25 -> 45
- 66C: grazes
==== Skills ==== - Summer Red: forces knockdown
- Summer Flame: hitstop 10 -> 15, hit animation changed # grounded opponents are not launched
- Flash Of Spring: startup: 25 -> 18, lift attack # launches people into the air with high untech, proration 80% -> 95%, damage 1200 -> 800
- Wipe Moisture: cancellable into itself (acts as a rekka), damage 400 -> 500; no longer launches foes
- Static Green: level of attaining melee invincibility: 2 -> 1, forces knockdown
- Condensed Bubble: attack cancel: 35 -> 19 # = air version, motion cancel: 35 -> 27 # = winter element
- Sticky Bubble: opponent cannot move while bubbles are being attached to them, small bubbles do 50 damage and force knockdown against air opponents; damage from accumulating 10 bubbles: 0 -> 1000, attack cancel: 35 -> 19 # = air version, motion cancel: 35 -> 27 # = winter element
- Autumn Edge: spirit damage: 0.2 -> 0.3, startup -9
- Autumn Blade: forces knockdown
- Force Lasher: startup 23 -> 18, recovery 32 -> 8
- Emerald City: forces knockdown
==== Spells ==== - st elmo's pillar -> launch height, more untech # allows followup combos, damage: 2800 -> 3250; proration: 70% -> 75%; forces knockdown
- Phlogistic Pillar: startup: 24 -> 16 # +6 for each additional wave
- St Elmo's Pillar: duration: 96 -> 86 # recovery -10
- Elemental Harvester: damage: 130 -> 150; proration: 98.5% -> 99%, forces knockdown
- Emerald Megalopolis: total: 49 -> 39
- photosynthesis: total 102 -> 78 # satellite sunflower
- Royal Diamond Ring: forces knockdown
- Philosopher's Stone: extra projectiles: forces knockdown
=== Youmu ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAAAA: opponent bounces closer to youmu
- 3A: replaced with an anti air melee attack
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30; damage -100
- j.6A: forces knockdown; damage -100
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- j.2A: horizontal range extended # soku 1.03, groundbounces on normal hit, now skill cancellable, proration 85% -> 78.5%
- 66AA: startup -6 # combos from 66A, skill cancelable
- B bullets: untech 25 -> 30, hitstop 10 -> 15, damage 200 -> 150
- 6C, j.6C: forces knockdown; damage -100
- 5C series bullets: untech 25 -> 30, hitstop 10 -> 15, hit animation modified
- 6C: damage 700 -> 600
==== Skills ==== - Netherworld Reflection Slash: has a damaging hitbox starting at level 1, damage = 600, spirit damage = 1 orb
- Crescent Moon Slash: both versions: forces knockdown
- Slashing a Flower Upon One's Head: causes groundbounce on hit; now air-usable
- Slash of Life and Death: 3rd hit will ground bounce
- Lotus Stance Cut: air version enabled, startup decreased, high jump cancels earlier, 1 hit on lvl 1-3 and 4 hits on max
- Heart-Carving Cut: startup 25 -> 17 # SWR
- Intolerant Avici: startup 13 -> 9 # combos from 5A/2A, launch vector changed # has better followup options, proration = 95%
- Strange Half Body: no longer launches
- Insightful Sword: can counter from startup, recovery +8
- Medium's Bind: forces knockdown
==== Spells ==== - Wheel of pain: recovery -6
- Ascension to Nirvana: forces knockdown
- Life ending sword 'Meditation': forces knockdown
- Thousand Cherry Blossoms: launch vector changed # hits link better, damage 1000 -> 700
- Rise from Delusion: damage per hit 1200 -> 1000
- Six Root Cleansing: invulnerable startup
- Secret of Life and Death: acts as a roman cancel, animation can be cancelled into attacks after clone appears
==== Other ==== - Dash: continuous graze
- Flight: spirit cost per frame: 12 -> 10
=== Reisen ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: no longer launches foes
- 5AAAA: launch vector modified # opponent bounces closer to reisen
- 3A: no longer launches
- 3[A]: now a 2-hit combo; launches foes to allow followups
- 6[a]: grazes while active
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.6A: forces knockdown
- B bullets: proration 93% -> 95%
- C bullets: untech 25 -> 45
==== Skills ==== - Mind Explosion: damage reduced
- Mind Bending: all versions: startup -4, +100 damage, untech 40 -> 60, proration 850 -> 950, hit animation changed # hits link better and is now easier to follow; forces knockdown
- Illusionary Blast: forces knockdown
- Eyesight Cleansing: tracer beams have a hitbox on creation
- Ripple Vision: forces knockdown
- Mind Dropping: bullets does not launch, proration 93% -> 99%, hjc -6
- Undersense Break: B version: melee invulnerable on startup, no longer spell cancellable; C version: grazes on startup
- Disbelief Aspect: B version: startup -5, reisen can move as soon as clone starts firing; C version: startup -5, now high jump/spell cancellable, both versions: proration 93% -> 95%
- Disorder Eye: forces knockdown
=== Spells ==== - Corolla Vision: ground: recovery -18, air: startup -8
- weak heart "demotivation": forces knockdown
- discarder: forces knockdown
- x-wave: invincible on startup, forces knockdown
- Corolla Vision: bullet: forces knockdown, damage 600 -> 800, proration 90% -> 93%
- Patriots' Elixir: damage from drinking 4 potions: 4500 -> 20000, explosion is now fullscreen
- Lunatic Red Eyes: forces knockdown
- Mind Starmine: less startup
=== Yuyuko ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: forces knockdown; damage -500
- 5A, f.5A, 66A: hurtbox extension on recovery reduced
- 6A: causes groundbounce
- j.6A: untech 45 -> 60
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- j.2A: forces knockdown; damage -50
- C series: proration 93% -> 96%, untech 25 -> 30
- C series: launch vector modified to prevent infinites
==== Skills ==== - Light of the Undead: forces knockdown
- Dance of the Butterfly Dream: forces knockdown
- Sense Of Elegance: B version: damage 1000 -> 700, startup: 25 -> 17, recovery 25 -> 20, blockstop on opponent 10 -> 5
- Sense Of Elegance: B version: untech 40 -> 60, proration 850 -> 940, launch height increased # allows yuyuko to combo after
- Sense of Elegance: C version: always forces knockdown
- Land Of Death: damage +50; B version: startup 23 -> 13; C version: startup 33 -> 23; proration 93% -> 96%, untech 40 -> 50, launch vector modified # better follow options
- Lance of the Swallowtail Crest: bigger wallbounce; untech +20, hjc -12
- Reverse Screens: bigger hitbox # can combo from moves in midscreen; reflects while active
- Spirit Luring Nectar: forms bigger ghosts, damage 300 -> 350
- Gifts to the Deceased: damage +300; formed ghosts: spirit damage increased, hitstop 5 -> 10, blockstop 5 -> 10
==== Spells ==== - ticket to the netherworld: explosion: proration 85% -> 40%, damage 3500 -> 4000
- Ghastly Dream: forces knockdown
- Ageless Dream: forces knockdown
- Sense of Cherry Blossom: startup -10
=== Yukari ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: hitstop 10 -> 15 # 5AAA 5B is more consistent
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown; new animation
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- 3A: untech 45 -> 60
- j.2A: bigger hitbox; no landing recovery on hit
- j.6A: total duration: 61 -> 53 # recovery -8, forces knockdown, changes yukari's momentum sooner
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- B bullets: untech = 30, damage = 75
- 2B: cancel, motion cancel: (31, 31) -> (26, 26) # soku 1.03, bullet speed: 10 -> 12
- 66B: startup: 14 -> 13; groundbounces, damage -50
- c series: untech = 45, damage = 275, proration = 95%
==== Skills ==== - Open, Lamented Box of Urashima: startup -5; causes groundbounce on hit, damage -500; B version: drops closer to yukari and can hold [4] to drop even closer
- Bewitching Bait: attack cancel: 37-> 22; motion cancel: 37 -> 32, total: ground: 67 -> 59; air: 75 -> 67; spirit damage 0.5 -> 1
- Border Between Brains and Feet: B version startup -6, blockstop 0 -> 10; C version startup -15
- Ride the Waves, Fight the Ocean: B version: has a damaging hurtbox (damage: 800, spirit damage: 0.5, proration: 92%, launch: wallslam)
- Illusion Manji Parasol: hits while being held, released parasol: untech 45 -> 60
- Open, Lamented Box of Urashima: damage 1200 -> 700
- Bound to the grave: bigger wallbounce
- Bewitching Bait: no longer launches; hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 0 -> 15
- Universe of Matter and antimatter: hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 10 -> 15; launches foes straight upwards, cannot be teched
- Illusional Rift: B version: bigger wallbounce; C version: groundbounces
- Eye Of Changes: spirit damage: 0.5 -> 1 untech 40 -> 60, proration 92% -> 98%; C version: can only have one at a time
- Flesh Dismantler: grazes when yukari appears, B version: underground movement speed: 6 -> 8; C version: landing animation is now cancellable to allow followups; pop-out delay by level: [20, 16, 12, 5] -> [16, 13, 10, 5]
==== Spells ==== - Boundary Between 2D and 3D: forces knockdown, does not prorate, startup -14, spirit damage 0.5 -> 0.25
- Chen: thrown downwards instead of upwards, forces knockdown, proration 80% -> 90%, spirit damage = 0.25 orb
- Ran: forces knockdown, proration 92% -> 99%
- Objective Border: forces knockdown
- Nest Of Fireflies: untech greatly increased
- The Magic Eye of Laplace: proration = 99%, forces knockdown
- Quadruple Barrier: bigger wallbounce, now allows followups
- Laced with Venom: no longer launches; hitstop 10 -> 20; blockstop 0 -> 15
- Trip to the Old Station: damage -500; hit animation changed # always hits 4 times
==== Other ==== - Dash: speed: 8 -> 9 # iamp
- 44 wall teleport: invincible startup
=== Suika ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: earlier forward step # less dial a drops; now bullet cancellable
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown
- f.5A: startup: 17 -> 15; active: 4 -> 6, hurtbox extension on recovery reduced
- f.5[a]: hurtbox extension on recovery reduced
- 2[a]: recovered # note: this is a grazable move that is skill cancellable, does 1 orb on block and hits mid
- 3A: startup: 19 -> 17
- 6A: startup: 18 -> 17
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30; damage -100
- j.2A: hitboxes/angles adjusted for better linking midscreen
- j.6A: forces knockdown; damage -200
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- 66A: both hits are high and do 1 orb on wrongblock
- 6B bullet: untech 30 -> 45; damage -200
- 2B: block direction: mid -> low, now groundbounces on standing or air, prorate 85% -> 75%, untech 60 -> 45
- 2[b]: bounce height increased, active frames 2 -> 4
- 66B: startup: 18 -> 17; replaced with an attack similar to IaMP Suika's 3DA: hits mid
- 6C, j.6C: bounces off walls # iamp
==== Skills ==== - Oni Spirit Bomb: forces knockdown
- Spectre -Dense-: B version: super armor for 7 frames after releasing the button on lvl 0; forces knockdown
- Spectre -Dense-: C version: super armor on startup # continues while held until first active frame
- Unpleasant Mist: startup 27 -> 8, can be cancelled as soon as suika exits the mist
- Foot Bellows: air versions: has a damaging hitbox while decending that hits high; all versions now cause ground bounce
- Gnome -Thin-: C version: loses melee hitbox, can be high jump cancelled
- Gnome -Dense-: forces knockdown
- Kidnapping Oni: B version: startup = 15; C version: startup -10, now has super armor
==== Spells ==== - Gathering And Dissipating: recovery -20, blockstop 3 -> 10
- Missing Power: forces knockdown
- 3-step destruction: forces knockdown
- Throwing Mt. Togakushi: forces knockdown
- Missing Purple Power:
** walk cycle: hits on the first frame
** standing horn attack: forces knockdown
** jump: same speed as normal jump, forces knockdown
** landing: same speed as normal landing
** 5A: bigger wallbounce to allow followups, forces knockdown
** 5B: causes groundbounce to allow followups
** 5C: less recovery
** j.5A: bigger wallbounce to allow followups, forces knockdown
** j.5B: causes groundbounce to allow followups
** j.5C: forces knockdown - Art of Oni Binding: does not prorate; duration 3 -> 15
- Art of Gaki binding: does not prorate; damage 0 -> 1500, duration 3 -> 15
- Massacre on Mt. Ooe: startup 12 -> 3 # can't be jumped in reaction to the spellflash, damage ~6.2k -> ~4.5k
=== Aya ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown; new animation
- 6[a]: consistent damage: 800 # bugfix
- 3A: launch vector changed to allow combos
- 3[a]: consistent damage: 800 # bugfix
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.6A: forces knockdown
- j.2A: startup = 13, landing recovery = 14, groundbounce on hit, untech 60 -> 45, proration 90% -> 79%, now skill cancellable; hitbox size increased to allow crossups; damage -100
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- C bullets: untech 45 -> 60
- 6C bullets: untech 40 -> 50, proration 85% -> 90%
==== Skills ==== - Domination Dash: all versions: forces knockdown; C version: cancellable into any move ON HIT ONLY
- Tengu Felling: cancellable into attacks after the movement; will not fire a bullet (essentially a command high jump)
- Graceful Dash: forces knockdown
- Gale Fan: longer hitbox % hits closer to aya; launches foes horizontally and can wallslam, damage +100
- Tengu's Pebbles: ground B version: startup -11, hjc -8; ground c, air b/C versions: startup -10; spirit damage per hit: 0.1 -> 0.25; blockstop 2 -> 8; hitstop 5 -> 10, proration = 100%, untech = 40
- Tengu Drum: initial hit: forces knockdown, a followup: forces knockdown, b followup: no longer ground bounces, c followup: forces knockdown
- Wind from the Maple Fan: spawns closer to aya, more hitstun # easier to follow, proration 93% -> 98%
- Tengu's Downburst: hitbox size increased to allow crossups
- Wind Sickle Veling: will not disappate if not cancelled
-- Spells ==== - Tengu Limited Special: acts as a roman cancel
- Wind of the Tengu Path: bigger wallbounce
- Tengu's Macroburst: proration reduced
- Route Forbidden to Man: rock proration reduced, more untech, hitstop increased # juggles more consistently
=== Komachi ===
==== Normals ====
- 4A/5A: block direction: any -> high
- 5AAA: new animation
- 5AAAA: hitstop increased # allows easier/more varied followups
- f.5A: startup: 15 -> 13; total: 57 -> 47 # recovery -10, recovery: hurtbox extension reduced; forces knockdown
- 3A: proration 80% -> 85%, untech 45 -> 50
- 3[a]: forces knockdown
- j.5A: total duration: 46 -> 40 # recovery -6, untech: 25 -> 30
- j.6A: blindspot removed # swr, total duration: 69 -> 57 # recovery -12, forces knockdown, no landing recovery on whiff
- j.2A: extended hurtbox in front of komachi removed
- 2B: startup: 21 -> 17; motion cancel: 28 -> 24 # swr
- 5C bullets: can have multiple ghosts on screen at once; untech 45 -> 60
- j.5C: spirit is ensured to come out while land canceling
- 2C: forces knockdown
- 6C, j.6C, j.2C: bullet priority: c(3) -> b(1), untech 45 -> 60
- 66C: forces knockdown
==== Skills ==== - Spirits of the Firm: startup -2; launches ground enemies
- Scythe of the Reaper: ground B/C, air B version: forces knockdown
- Bound Spirits of the Earth: hits while coming out
- Wind on the Last Journey: forces knockdown; has a reflecting effect
- Boat on the Sanzu: can act with anything after komachi jumps off the boat
- Taste Of Death: recovery -5 # swr, soku 1.03, forces knockdown, armored while held
- The Endless Way: b startup = 17, c startup = 31, charged C version: spawns on the opponent # bugfix, launch vector modified # launches downward
- Ritual Of Ecstacy: B version: melee invincible on startup, recovery -20, cannot be cancelled into spells; C version: grazes on startup, startup -20
- Scythe Of Exorcism: hp healed by one spirit: 15 -> 45; launch vector modified # opponent does not fly as high
- Scythe Of Exorcism: B version: startup 24 -> 20, hjc 52 -> 32; C version: startup 36 -> 32,hjc 64 -> 44
- Scythe Of Exorcism: mini ghost explosions: spirit damage 0.125 -> 0.5, damage 300 -> 600, proration 94% -> 96%, launch vector/untech modified # 2C explosions
- Human Spirit Passing By: forces knockdown
==== Spells ==== - Abundant Floating Spirits: forces knockdown; can be high jump cancelled
- Flow of the River: proration/recovery reduced. causes wallbounce on hit # allows followup combo
- Narrow Confines of Avici: initial strike always causes groundbounce. pillar hits will send foes downward. # strike will always combo into the pillar
- Ferriage in the Deep Fog: startup -30
- Scythe of Final Judgement: damage: 4000 -> 3500, causes groundbounce on hit # allows followup combo
- Scythe of Wandering Spirits: damage reduced, invincible on startup # acts as a reversal
- Short Life Expectancy: initial strike deals 1k damage # able to score KOs
==== Other ==== - Hitbox while taking damage modified to stay the same for the whole animation # prevents infinites from yuyuko
=== Iku ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AA: block direction: mid -> high
- 5AAA: block direction: high -> low
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown, hitstop 5 -> 10, now an ungrazeable bullet does 1 spirit damage on block
- 6A: forces knockdown
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.6A: forces knockdown
- 66B: can now be cancelled into skills
- 6C series: proration 92% -> 96.5%, untech 45 -> 50, damage 300 -> 250
==== Skills ==== - Dragon Fish's Stike: forces knockdown
- Dragonfish, the Able Swimmer: cancellable into any action
- Veils Like Water: both versions force knockdown
- Veils Like Water: B version: autoguards from startup to first active frame # functions as a proper reversal, cannot be cancelled into spellcards
- Electrostatic Guided Missile: forces knockdown
- Veils Like Wind: both versions have a damaging hitbox
- Veils Like Wind: B version: launches upwards, damage = 600, spirit damage = 0.5;
- Veils Like Wind: C version: launches forwards, damage = 800, spirit damage = 1
- Dragon Fish's Wrath: bolt directly above iku will bring foes downwards, forces knockdown
- Dragon Fish's Wrath: startup -4; chip damage slightly reduced
==== Spells ==== - Veils Like Time: activation is guard cancellable after startup, launch vector modified to allow easier followups
- Veils Like Time: ground counter: damage 500 -> 700, forces knockdown; air counter: damage 200 -> 300, forces knockdown
- Dragonfish Drill: forces knockdown
- Orb of the Five-Clawed Dragon: forces knockdown
- Elekiter Dragon Palace: forces knockdown
- Swimming Oarfish Shot: forces knockdown, opponents are not sent as high
=== Tenshi ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: forces knockdown
- f.5A: groundbounces airborne characters, untech 45 -> 30
- f.5[a]: groundbounces airborne characters
- 3A: forces knockdown
- 3[a]: forces knockdown
- 6[a]: super armor while active; damage +100, duration +5, recovery -5; hit sfx adjusted
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30, total: 40 -> 37 # recovery -3
- j.6A: active: 13 -> 15; total: 58 -> 55 # recovery -3 # soku 1.03, forces knockdown
- j.2A: startup 20 -> 14, groundbounce on normal hit, landing recovery: 29 -> 23, proration: 85% -> 80%
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- B bullets: damage 150 -> 125
- 66B: no longer launches
- C bullets: untech 45 -> 60
==== Skills ==== - Scarlet Sword Temperament: first swing is melee
- Sky Attack: both ground versions will no longer trade. B version damage: 1000 -> 1200; C version damage: 1000 -> 1250, forces knockdown, air version: can airdash after recovery
- Heaven and Earth Press: all parts of the move are melee, spirit damage: 0 -> 1, forces knockdown
- Heaven and Earth Press: B version: minimum delay: 12 -> 6 C version: minimum delay: 18 -> 12 # soku 1.03
- Sword of Fate: no recovery on catch
- Sword of Fate: spirit damage per hit: 0.125 -> 0.25, damage 200 -> 250, hitstop increased # easier to combo with, hit animation changed
- Guardian Keystones: setup animation: has a hitbox while orbiting tenshi, startup +50; spirit regeneration delay: 120 -> 60; C version: launched stones: infinite graze resistance
- Awakening of the Earth Spirits: thrown projectile damage increased, causes ground bounce; startup decreased; earthquake will not launch
==== Spells ==== - Sword of Unletting Soil: forces knockdown
- Sword Of Rapture: cancellable animation on hit
- Sword Of Swagger: hit animation changed # looks cooler
- Meteorological Revelation: weatherless activation: damage 800 -> 1000, spirit damage 1.25 -> 2.5, launch vector modified to mimic weather version
- Meteorological Revelation: weather activation: damage 800 -> 1000, spirit damage 2.5 -> 5
- State Of Enlightenment: acts as a roman cancel
- Scarlet Weather Pressure: forces knockdown
- Sword of Worry and Joy: recovery -21, startup = 120F # six signs C version, blockable (low, 3 spirit damage on rightblock)
- Scarlet Weather Rapture: startup 41 -> 31, proration 98% -> 95%
=== Sanae ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown
- 6A: groundbounces
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.6A: forces knockdown
- j.2A: can cancel as soon as it hits
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- 5B, j.5B: bullet spawn location changed # bullets appear around sanae in a circle
- B series: hitstop 5 -> 15; blockstop = 2
- 2[c]: recovered; fires seven stars
- j.2C: always fires five stars # bugfix
- j.2[c]: recovered; fires seven stars
- 6C, j.6C: gauge instantly recovers as soon as kanako leaves, forces knockdown
- 4C, j.4C: gauge instantly recovers as soon as suwako leaves, untech 45 -> 60
- j.4C: startup: 37 -> 31; j.4C: hjc -10
- 66C: first hit does not prorate
==== Skills ==== - Sky Goddess Summon: attack: forces knockdown
- Sky God Summon: onbashira: no longer a reversal; damage reduced; now can be high jump cancelled, gauge recovery is now twice as fast as the other 623 skills; causes groundbounce; forces knockdown
- sky god summon skills other than onbashira: gauge recovery reduced 25%
- all earth god summon skills: gauge recovery reduced 50%
- Earth God Summon: iron ring: cannot be grazed
- Omikuji Bomb: 'very good luck': forces knockdown
- Cobalt Spread: no longer launches
- Falling Stars: size increased
- Wave Call: startup reduced
- Sky Serpent: B version: startup: 33 -> 23; motion cancel: 28 -> 26. C version: startup: 33 -> 93; motion cancel: 28 -> 30 # spawns snakes behind sanae
- Cobalt Spread: hit vector modified # launches higher
==== Spells ==== - Forgotten Ritual: startup: 25 -> 19
- charm of good commerce: recovery reduced, easier to follow
- Random Omikuji Barrage: all fortunes: forces knockdown, "very bad luck": damage increased, sanae will graze until she throws all 4 packets
- mid-day supernova: startup decreased, recovery decreased, more untech
- Grey Thamaturgy: forces knockdown
- Moses' Miracle: damage -1000, proration: 90%
=== Meiling ===
==== Normals ====
- f.5A: untech 35 -> 45
- 5AAA6A and 5AAA3A: no longer can be performed
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.2A: untech 45 -> 60
- j.6A: forces knockdown
- j.8A: duration: 67 -> 52 # recovery -15, untech: 60 -> 90
- 5B bullets: hitstop: 0 -> 10
- 6B bullets: hitstop: 0 -> 10
- 2B: untech 45 -> 50
- 66B: recovery +12 ; armored on frames 10 -> 20; untech 45 -> 60
- C bullets: hitstop: 5 -> 10
- 6C: blockstop: 0 -> 5
==== Skills ==== - Searing Red Fist: bullet portion: damage 50 -> 100
- Fragrant Wave: startup: B version: 26, 28 -> 24; C version: 61, 59 -> 31, hit angle changed # easier to follow
- Water Taichi Fist: has a damaging hurtbox, b startup 4 -> 12, c startup 4 -> 20
- Colorful Rain: startup: b: 21 -> 20; c: 32 -> 24; jc: 34 -> 24, c and jC version: moves forwards while spinning, hitstop 0 -> 10; bullets produced are slightly bigger, have more hitstop and untech
- Spiral Light Steps: forces knockdown, startup -7
- Red Cannon: both versions: recovery -7, untech = 60, proration = 85% # functions as a launcher
- Red Energy Release: bigger hitbox (takes up the entire explosion)
- Yellow Quake Kick: launches foes into the air # allows followup combo, untech 45 -> 60, proration 95% -> 92%
- Earth Dragon Wave: launches higher, proration 85% -> 90%
- Sky Dragon Kick: both versions: grazes while active, both versions: forces knockdown
- Tiger Chi Release: can be canceled by any action
==== Spells ==== - Intense Rainbow Fist: hitstop increased, juggle height increased, recovery decreased # allows followups like f.5A and 2B
- Star Bullets: startup reduced (links from 4A # 5Card ball); recovery reduced, no longer launches grounded foes, launch against aerial foes decreased, spirit damage per hit: 0.2 -> 0.25 # soku 1.03; consistent damage: 650 # bugfix
- Roc Fist: proration 75% -> 85%
- Fierce Tiger Chi Release: reduced recovery # functions as a roman cancel
- Roc-Killing Fist: first two hits: proration = 100%, final hit: proration = 75%
- Earth moving star bullets: bigger wall bounce # allows better followups
=== Cirno ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AAA: hitstop +5
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown; new animation
- f5A: hitstop +5
- 6A: startup: 21 -> 17 # = 3A
- 3A: new launch vector % can start combos
- j.5A: untech 25 -> 30
- j.6A: total: 61 -> 54 # recovery -7
- j.6A: forces knockdown
- j.2A: proration per hit: 94% -> 95%
- j.8A: total: 58 -> 54 # recovery -4; untech 45 -> 60
- 5B bullets: hitstop: 0 -> 10
- 6B, j.6B: motion cancel: 34 -> 30, - 6B, j.6B: startup 18 -> 15
- 6B bullet: hits come out slower
- 2B, j.2B: motion cancel: 30, 33 -> 23
- 66B: now skill cancellable, total: 64 -> 60 # recovery -4
- 5C: forces knockdown
- 6C, j.6C: hitstop: 10 -> 20; untech: 35 -> 40, spirit damage per hit: 0.125 -> 0.25
- 2C, j.2C: damage scales according to size
- 66C: new launch vector
==== Skills ==== - Icicle Shot: forces knockdown, startup: ground B version: 24 -> 20 # = air B version, startup: ground C version: 35 -> 31 # = air C version
- Frost Pillars: spirit damage: 0.5 -> 1 # soku 1.03, motion cancel: b: 39 -> 35; c: 47 -> 43, does not disappear when cirno gets hit; launches higher
- Freezing Light: motion cancel: 40 -> 36, number of hits: 1 -> 3; damage: 150; proration: 96
- Freezing Light: split into b and C versions; B version: narrow angle; C version: wide angle
- Midsummer Snowman: startup 17 -> 11 # links much easier, forces knockdown
- Ice Charge: forces knockdown, air usable level: 2 -> 1
- Ice Kick: can control descent
- Icicle Spear: damage: 150 -> 200; untech: 45 -> 60
- Icicle Sword: hit vectors modified # hits link better; C versions damage, more untech
- Freeze Touch Me: all versions startup -5, forces knockdown
==== Spells ==== - Icicle Machine Gun: high jump cancellable
- Fairy Spin: recovery reduced, air version: infinite landing bug fixed # bugfix
- insta-freeze beam: forces knockdown
- Cold Sprinkler: pushback reduced; blockstop: 0 -> 5; speed: 4.5 -> 3, startup: 36 -> 26; total: 68 -> 55 # better frame advantage
- Super Ice Kick: startup -28, can be cancelled into any action on block or hit; no longer consumes spirit or adds meter # bugfix
- Perfect Freeze: forces knockdown
- Freeze Atmosphere: acts as a roman cancel
- Great Crusher: groundbounce on normal hit
==== Other ==== - Border Escape Forwards: commitment: 27 -> 25 # = all characters
=== Utsuho ===
==== Normals ====
- Airdash: new animation
- 5AAA: new animation
- 5AAAA: new animation; more untech # allows followup combos; hit vector changed # enemy is closer to utsuho
- 2A: hit animation changed
- j.5A: duration: 55 -> 46 # recovery -9
- j.6A: forces knockdown, hitbox remains the same size for the entire duration, extended hurtbox under utsuho removed
- j.2A: startup 20 -> 14; adjusted hitbox; ground bounce on hit; hit sfx modified
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60
- B bullets: hitstop 5 -> 14
- 6B bullet: launch property: lift attack, untech: 25 -> 45, stun type: medium -> heavy
- 5C: untech +25
- 6C bullet: damage 150 -> 120
- 2C: extended hurtbox on top of utsuho removed
- 66C: second hit can be cancelled into anything
==== Skills ==== - Break Sun: damage reduced, prorates more, forces knockdown
- Rocket Dive: lv 2+ blast: forces knockdown
- Ground Melt: startup: 56 -> 41 # all versions, motion cancel: 53, 58 -> 37 # all versions
- Radiant Blade: smash attack # causes wallbounce with high untech, damage 400 -> 450, recovery 18 -> 12
- Flare Up: launch vector modified # enemy lands in front of utsuho
- Melting Pummel Kick: consumes spirit and adds meter # bugfix, now grabs standing suwako
- Shooting Sun: forces knockdown, enemy does not go flying as high, total animation +26
- Vengeful Nuclear Spirits: aims at the enemy instead of utsuho
- Hell Wave Cannon: forces knockdown, hitstop = 20, hjc -5; total animation +10f
==== Spells ==== - Mega Flare: air version: startup -6, recovery -61
- High Tension Blade: startup -21, recovery -10 # easier to combo into and follow
- Hell's Artificial Sun: startup -5
- The Ten Suns: startup: 37 -> 31, damage reduced
- Nuclear Blaze Geyser: damage reduced
- Subterranean Sun: recovery -88
- Fixed Star: forces knockdown
- Uncontrollable Dive: hit vectors, hit animation changed # links more reliably
- Giga Flare: damage reduced
- Abyss Nova: acts as a roman cancel
==== Other ==== - Border Escape forwards: commitment: 30 -> 27 # = Cirno
=== Suwako ===
==== Normals ====
- 5AA: hitstop: 10 -> 15
- 5AAAA: forces knockdown
- f.5A: no longer launches; hitstop 10 -> 15
- 3A: startup 25 -> 15; can now cancel into any lilypad attack; will not launch foes
- j.5A: total: 56 -> 52 # recovery -4
- LA: No longer launches, hitstop 10 -> 15
- L6A: launch vector changed to allow linking into underground attacks
- 66A: startup -12
- j.6A: linking hits: launch vector changed to allow linking into underground attacks
- j.2A: startup 40 -> 25; bigger wallbounce
- j.8A: untech 45 -> 60; tree has the same launch vector and damage as suwako's body
- j.5B series: untech +15
- j.6B series: untech +15
- 6B: motion cancel: 34 -> 29; total: 65 -> 55
- l6B: motion cancel: 49 -> 39; total: 65 -> 55
- 5C bullet: activates instantly upon reaching the opponent; hitstop 0 -> 10; launches higher
- 5C: motion cancel: startup -10, 39 -> 34; total: 74 -> 64
- 5[c]: motion cancel: startup -10 54 -> 49; total: 89 -> 79
- 6C: motion cancel: 48 -> 39; total: 84 -> 79
- LC bullets: launches grounded enemies; foes hit are not sent away from suwako
- LC, j5C: startup -6
- LC: motion cancel: 43 -> 35; total: 82 -> 74
- j.5C: motion cancel: 41 -> 33; total: 73 -> 65
==== Skills ==== - Ancient Metal Ring: forces knockdown
- Ancient Geyser: damage per hit: 200 -> 230
- Lake of Great Earth: dives earlier (startup is the same); falling attack: groundbounces; splash: forces knockdown
- Frog God: explodes instantly when opponent is close
- Rain-Calling Frog: untech: 25 -> 45; hitstop + hit vector adjustment
- Toad God: melee invincible at level 1; spellcard cancel removed; forces knockdown
- Ms Longlimbs: becomes active on creation # soku 1.03, damage: 200 -> 240; consistent damage on all frames # bugfix; untech 45 -> 60
- Stone Frog God: forces knockdown; can be cancelled into spellcards while recovering, changed hit vector to allow spellcard links; air versions: startup -9
- Ancient Jade: becomes active as soon as the orbs emerge from the ground
- Moriya God: startup: 20 -> 16 # soku 1.03
==== Spells ==== - Moriya Clear Water: forces knockdown
- Moriya's Metal Ring: forces knockdown
- Master Longlimbs: forces knockdown
- Red Frog of Houei 4: forces knockdown
- Horrid River Jade: initial hitbox: increased size for easier linkings
==== Other ==== - jD1/D2/D3: cancellable into airdashes and attacks
- standing -> crouch: startup 14 -> 3 (hurtbox will not fully move until 14F of crouching)
- crouch -> stand: startup 16 -> 3 (hurtbox will not fully move until 10F of standing)